Massage Therapy: Even Anatomy Geeks Occasionally Need a Review

By Rainbough Phillips, LMT, Owner of Breath & Balance Bodyworks I am one of those people who likes to “talk muscles.” I regularly find myself describing to clients how to locate and self-massage pec minor, or explaining how piriformis contributes to sciatic pain. I am always looking for muscle animations on YouTube, reading up on…

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Massage Continuing Education: Statesman “Our Body” Photoblog

In August 2010, Lauterstein-Conway Massage School is offering a new massage continuing education opportunity – a three-hour anatomy review workshop paired with a three-hour MTI-guided tour of Our Body: The Universe Within. The exhibit is showing at UT’s Stark Center. TLCschool believes this exhibit will be invaluable to any massage therapist who attends. The Statesman…

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Massage Continuing Education: Anatomy Review

By David Lauterstein, MTI, LMT, Co-founder of Lauterstein-Conway Massage School A few years ago Lauterstein-Conway Massage School’s massage continuing education program had the fantastic experience of renting a bus and going to the Bodyworlds Exhibit in Houston. We took 50 massage therapists from Austin. Seeing the muscles in a life-like context is so valuable! I…

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Dara’s Video Blog: Going to Massage School

Episode 1 of Dara’s Video Blog by Dara Allen-Trainer TLCschool’s Reception/Customer-Service-Guru, Dara Allen-Trainer is going back to school – this time at TLC! Hear Dara’s story about why she decided to become a massage therapist and why she chose Lauterstein-Conway! Dara is enrolled in the Saturday section of the September 2010 class, which starts September…

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Massage School: The First Massage Table

By David Lauterstein, LMT, MTI, Certified ZB Practioner, Co-founder of Lauterstein-Conway Massage School After a few years of receiving massages and appreciating so many benefits – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – I decided I would try doing it myself. At that time I was in Chicago and, unbelievably, there was no school! So I…

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