Massage Therapy in the Health and Wellness Industry
Massage is Often Thought About as a “Part-time Gig,” but For Most Therapists, It’s Not… With massage therapy, you can have a meaningful, part-time side gig or rich, full-time career in the wellness industry. If you are interested in a future in healthcare, massage...

Grad Stories: Every Day is a Learning Day
A Letter From a Massage School Alum, Cassandra De Anda I am excited and proud to say that I am a Lauterstein-Conway Massage School alumni. I graduated in July of 2016. At the time I was attending massage school I was also finishing my Bachelors of Science in Athletic...

Grad Stories: Touch and the Real Meaning of Life
A Letter From a Massage School Alum, Lori Dupree To all teachers, therapists, present and future students, and clients of massage, we offer this beautiful letter as a tribute to you and to the precious knowledge that this profession is a carrier of. Touch is a...

The Often Overlooked Importance of the Intake Process By David Lauterstein It has become commonplace that massage employers, for the most part, do not allow sufficient time for their therapists to “take a history”. I think this is horrible. It effectively prevents the...

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” -Marc Anthony By David Lauterstein Studying massage is the deepest form of learning. The reason is, unlike so much schooling, this is a learning and a work that includes your body as well as your mind...

Why You Should Offer Oncology Massage Therapy
Oncology Massage Is More Than Just a Mix of Massage Techniques... By Tracy Walton When I began seeing clients with cancer and post-treatment, there were few guidelines for the work we were doing. There was only a small amount of direction in the massage literature. It...

TLC WORLDWIDE – The World Wants More Tender, Loving Care
By David Lauterstein It is one of the great honors for our school, The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School (TLC) that people around the world are interested in the things we have developed in our curriculum which we have worked on now for over 30 years. I have had the...

Today is Christmas and millions of people will be opening boxes. And they will be looking inside these boxes with excitement. In a figurative sense I’ve begun to be as interested in “boxes” as in their contents. The box “contains” the present. It holds these treasures...

I Want to Help People: Prenatal or Pregnancy Massage
One of the most common reasons we hear people say they are interested in a career in massage therapy is that they want a career that helps people. This series will look at how massage therapy can help, what we as therapists refer to as, special populations....

The Gifts of Teaching
Massage Therapists, You are Educators... by David Lauterstein, TLC Co-Director The most important sentence I’ve ever read about teaching is from Martin Buber in his essay, The Education of Character. “It is not the educational intention, but it is the meeting which is...