Career Services and Job Placement Support

In September 2010, Lauterstein-Conway Massage School (TLCschool) will begin offering career services and job placement support for its massage school students and graduating massage therapists. The idea came from the rising needs of massage industry employers looking for quality massage therapists. Since 2009, Lauterstein-Conway Massage School has seen a 205 percent increase in requests for…

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Five Reasons to Join the November ACT

By David Lauterstein, BA, LMT, MTI, Co-founder I remember when I did my initial training at the Chicago School of Massage Therapy – back in 1977 – the dark ages! Afterward, I took a bunch of workshops but finally felt the need for much more systematic training and went on to study Structural Bodywork and…

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Pregnancy Massage & the Side-lying Position

Do you have a new massage client who is pregnant? If so, it’s important to be comfortable with working on them in the side-lying position – especially if they are considered “high risk.” Kate Jordan, nationally-recognized presenter of Bodywork for the Childbearing Year says, “When working with a high-risk pregnant client, it becomes even more…

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Massage CEU: Regulating Qi with Jin Shin Do

By Dr. Gayl Hubatch, OMD “Jin Shin Do” means “The Way of the Compassionate Spirit.” Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® classes teach the use of gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points and verbal Body Focusing techniques, to help release “armoring” or chronic tension and balance the “Qi” or energy. This clothes-on method helps…

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Massage CE: Pregnancy Massage with Kathy Benayoun

According to Kate Jordan, nationally-recognized pregnancy massage educator, “Pregnancy massage and massage for labor and postpartum recuperation is the newest option for women who want an optimum pregnancy outcome. As more [massage] therapists are trained to provide pregnancy-specific massage therapy, many women are being exposed to its potential and enjoying its benefits.” Video: Kathy Benayoun,…

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Burnout in your Massage Therapy Career

By Rainbough Phillips, LMT, Owner of Breath & Balance Bodyworks When you first get out of massage school the concept of “burnout” is almost unfathomable. How could anyone get “burnt out” of making other people feel better?! You have this miraculous and exciting new skill at your fingertips, not to mention an overflowing excitement and…

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Dara’s Video Blog: Textbooks, Massage Tables and Supplies – Oh My!

Hear what future September student Dara Allen-Trainer has to say in her second video blog about preparing to start classes this month. There’s still time to join her in the “Saturday section,” which is a great schedule for working students. Do you have a healing touch? Learn to work with doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors…

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Massage CE: Employment & Touch Techniques

By Rima Star MA, LMT, Employment Consultant. (This article is part of the series Got a Massage Job: Key Points for Creating Successful Employment.) What are employers looking for? What are you looking for? How to navigate the world of employment more successfully is the focus of this class. This series of articles addresses the…

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Diary of a Massage School Student: Week 23

Reflections of a Middle-aged Student By Kristina Deasey, March 2010 500-hour Professional Massage Training Student As I get older, I’m learning more and more the signs of when I’m doing too much: tired and achy, can’t seem to get good sleep or even enough sleep (even though my body and brain are worn out), feeling…

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Massage CEU: Business Support & Client Relationships

By Rima Star MA, LMT, Employment Consultant. (This article is part of the series Got a Massage Job: Key Points for Creating Successful Employment.) What are employers looking for? What are you looking for? How to navigate the world of employment more successfully is the focus of this class. This series of articles addresses the…

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