The Diary of a Massage School Student: Week Five

Tired? You’re not alone. Dara Allen-Trainer, September 2010 “Saturday Section” student and TLCschool Customer Service Guru, is tired, too. But she’s not the one who falls asleep. See what she has to say about how the first five weeks of massage school have impacted her – and her husband! What was the hardest point of…

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Extreme Home Makeover: A Massage Adventure

By Rainbough Phillips, LMT, Owner of Breath & Balance Bodyworks Have you had any adventures in massage? My first adventure occurred about a year after I had started working in the field. I was a few months into my second semester of massage school, and was working full time at a small massage clinic. I…

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Massage Continuing Education: Happy Feet

Generally we have no appreciation for our feet and tend to ignore them for many years, until they decide they need some attention and rudely let us know. We force them to put up with poorly fitted shoes, stand on hard surfaces for hours on end, walk further than they appreciate and then get upset…

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Massage Job Fair: Massage Therapy & Chiropractics

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Marketing Director Are you considering working with a chiropractor? Have you been referred a client from one? How many of your massage clients also see chiropractors? Because the massage and chiropractic industries often overlap, at the 2010 Massage Job Fair TLCschool hopes to help interested LMTs learn more about what it’s…

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Featured Massage School Graduate: Allison Hoffman

When did you attend TLCschool? Accredited Program 1997-1998 and took Semesters 1 and 2. Why were you interested in massage therapy? I had been interested in Massage Therapy since grade school. I grew up giving massages to friends and family. I actually would work my way around the dinning room table giving back rubs out…

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Massage Continuing Education: Water Element Basics

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Marketing Director From a historical perspective, the Five Element Theory is one of the major systems of thought within Chinese medicine that serves a major diagnostic and treatment protocol. In modern clinical practice, the Five Element Theory is used in varying degrees depending on the practitioner and type of therapy. The…

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Massage CEU: Therapeutic Pregnancy Massage and Minefields

By Ritchie Mintz Performing Therapeutic Bodywork on a pregnant woman is tricky business. There are minefields to navigate. One such minefield is the possibility that she might go into early labor and miscarry. The odds are slim that bodywork could cause such an event but the possibility is very real. There are acupuncture points that…

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Massage CE: Pregnancy and Therapeutic Bodywork

By Ritchie Mintz My interest in post-pregnancy Rolfing® Structural Integration wasn’t idle curiosity but a trial by fire for all concerned. The ink on my Rolfing certificate was still wet when my first-born child, a daughter, was delivered C-section. I was overwhelmed by bills from not working during my 2-month final practitioner training, debt from…

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Massage CE: Lymphedema and Lyphmatic Drainage

By Liz Hoffmaster, PT, LMT, MTI What happens to the lymphatic system when it fails? Lymphedema is a common chronic, debilitation condition in which excess fluid called lymph collects in tissues and causes swelling in them. The lymphatic system is something most of us take for granted. The lymph nodes are tucked away in the…

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Massage CE: Massaging Seniors

By Peggy Rouh, LMT, MTI, PhD Seniors are the most appreciative massage client group you will ever encounter. Everyone loves a massage. Just as with babies, touch for seniors is integral to their well being. Also as we age, the opportunity for caring touch diminishes. Research shows that nurses in hospitals touch seniors less often…

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