Homage to the Feet: Part Two

by David Lauterstein Here are some ways you can use touch to respect these little miracles: Massage: There are 4 layers of muscle on the bottom of the feet. Considering the compression from bearing the body’s weight and the lack of movement from being continually shod, and the impact of walking and exercising so often…

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Homage to the Feet: Part One

by David Lauterstein There are 206 bones in the body, 52 of them are in the feet! It’s amazing that these two small yet marvelously engineered structures can support our entire weight without being crushed or giving way. It’s little short of miraculous that they also constantly balance out the infinite varieties of motion going on…

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Anatomy Review: Masseter

by David Lauterstein The masseter is the muscle runs from the cheekbone to the lower jaw. It is one of the primary muscles you chew with. It is helped by the “Dirty Harry” muscle – the temporalis – which runs from the side of the skull to the lower jaw just in front of your ear. Interestingly…

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Dimensions of Touch: Part Two

by David Lauterstein In a “virtual” age, a time greatly affected by the pace of computers and their powerful yet imaginary realities, each individual’s unmet hunger and the social need for the actual becomes more and more urgent. Touch is a medium of actual reality. Touch is a medium of living reality, just as light…

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Dimensions of Touch: Part One

by David Lauterstein The renaissance, they say, took place in the 15th and 16th centuries. We are, however, in another renaissance today, one of equal or greater importance. This renaissance was predicted by the futurist, John Naisbitt in his book Megatrends. Naisbitt spoke of the coming world as one of High Tech and High Touch.…

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Sports Massage: 3 Ways Working with Athletes Helped My Massage Career

runner sprinting blue sky

by Marc Frazier, LMT, NSCA Almost from the start, my massage career has included a lot of regular work with competitive athletes. This was not something I chose to do, it just sort of happened. In fact, I remember someone telling me at the end of my second semester of training at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage…

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Three reasons Chair Massage opens the Gateway to Massage

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger If you’re new to massage, chair massage is the perfect gateway to your new career. There are many reasons chair massage is a great “entry point” for those new to massage therapy. Convenience is probably the most obvious reason – chair massage can be done any…

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Massage School Graduate’s Dream Comes True – in Germany!

by Lauren Palmour, Graduate from the June, 2009 program Working in Europe was a dream of mine that I’ve had for years. So when I found this job through one of my Lauterstein-Conway Classmates Dawn Page, I was ecstatic.  It’s a job at a Military Resort at the base of the Bavarian Alps, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen…

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Massage From These Heights: Diary of a Massage Chain Employee

By Jennifer Shaw, Massage Heights Lakeline LMT and Guest Blogger It’s been three weeks, and I am suddenly struck by how happy I am to go to work. Yesterday, I even gladly picked up a Saturday shift, and took two days off in the middle of the week. This morning, I’m sitting at the Starbucks…

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Cranio-Sacral Massage Therapy – Legitimate Therapy or Quackery?

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Cranio-sacral therapy (CST) was initiated by osteopath, Dr. William Sutherland, in the early 1900’s and further developed by Dr. John Upledger and others beginning in the 1970s. Essentially, the cranio-sacral therapist senses the pulse of the cerebro-spinal fluid and looks for any subtle restrictions of its…

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