Advanced Clinical Massage and Bodywork Training at TLC

On November 7, TLC’s Advanced Clinical Training (ACT) starts!  We are now beginning enrollment for this unique class! Nowhere else  in the US can you learn to systematically integrate in Clinical Practice – Structural Bodywork, Deep Massage, Shiatsu, Zero Balancing and Psychologically-Oriented Bodywork. To be a well-rounded therapist, we need these competencies with advanced techniques,…

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How To Give the Best Massage in the World: Intake

I just got back from the Esalen Institute.  This was my first time and I totally recommend it.  As you may recall, Esalen, in Big Sur, California is considered the birthplace of modern American massage.  When you’re there, you can almost feel the presence of ida Rolf who did her earliest trainings here and Fritz…

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Engaging the Skyhook

An Anatomy Review with David Find out more information on “Engaging the Skyhook” at our Advanced Clinical Training Open House, click here to register.

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“Wisdom of the Body” – Stanley Kunitz on poetry (and massage)

These words are excerpted from the essay “The Wisdom of the Body” from Stanley Kunitz’ book Next-to-Last Things.  I’ve found them inspiring my massage therapy again and again over the years. For ages before (human writing), “immense quantities of human experience,” in Alfred North Whitehead’s phrase,”had been accumulating in men’s bodies.”  The body, in its…

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Massage Therapy Hall of Fame (and Self Horn-Tooting….awkward :)

Today I’m being inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.  Thank you to Mike Hinkle, the World Massage Festival, and the world of massage therapy and bodywork for this recognition.  So many people spend their whole lives teaching and/or working with clients with virtually no appreciation outside of their immediate circle.  So thank you…

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Advanced Massage Training: “Joys of being a Bodyworker”

A few years ago I wrote a blog piece and got this response from Stacy Liddle, massage therapist and physical therapy assistant. “I wish to thank-you for this eloquent reminder of one of the joys of being a body worker. Sometimes it starts with that knot that just won’t go away and then becomes oh,…

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Re-Making Faces with Massage Therapy!

The face is the most expressive part of the person. That’s partly due to our anatomy.  The face is the only place in the body where muscles and their tendons do not attach to bones! Unlike other voluntary muscles whose insertions and origins are on bone, the facial muscles insert into themselves!  This means the…

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Peace is a Need, So is Work! Massage Combines Peace and Work.

Seth Godin writes a fantastic blog.  Every day he comes up with brilliant tips on life and work.  Here’s his from today – “When is it due? Here’s the schedule. Follow it. There’s your in box. Empty it. When something is imminent, speed up. When you’re off the deadline machine, take a breath and poke…

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The Evolution of Slowness – Massage Helps Thoughtfulness

Deliberation is born of joy. — Rumi Andrew Taylor Still, Osteopath’s founder, said the body contains all the healing substances it needs.  And indeed humans have within their nervous systems equally the antidote to the social epidemic of excess stress. The autonomic system embodies the advantage of a speedy, whole body response to changing circumstance. …

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