How is it all going to work?

by Kaia Petin It’s been nearly 10 years since I earned my massage therapy license from Lauterstein-Conway. To be honest, it’s only been in the last 2 years that I feel successful when I tell people that I’m a massage therapist. And now, I absolutely love my job and finally feel like I’m aligned with…

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Massage – A Journey to the Center of the Self

“In my room, the world is beyond my understanding; but when I walk I see that it consists of three or four hills and a cloud.” – Walllace Stevens   In my treatment room, I sometimes wonder if I can really help someone and how. But when the session begins, the client prone, I reassuringly…

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You Have The Touch

“So before a question, so before a doubt My hand moves out and … I have the touch”                                                       Peter Gabriel Before every question and before every doubt, one thing is so obvious we rarely notice it.  As Peter Gabriel says in his chorus, “I want contact.”  The fundamental…

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Concerning Sincerity

Concerning Sincerity This is a longish entry and, it’s interesting, how modern technology has inclined us to sound or word bites. It’s becoming almost revolutionary to ask people to slow down, to pay attention for more than a few minutes, to do or say things that make people pause and consider things from a variety…

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Can We Operate Without Ethics?

by Nancy Dail, BA, LMT, NCTMB An active massage therapy practice is the result of hard work, education, and a credible professional reputation. We can advertise, use social media, and network with other health professionals, but our reputation is the corner stone of successful practice. Ethical dilemmas are a part of our society and to…

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Touch and Age

The following was submitted by Peggy Rouh for her Senior Massage CE Workshop. Touch and Age …tactile needs do not seem to change with aging — if anything, they seem to increase. Yet this is where we fail the aging quite miserably — as we do in much else. The aging desire neither to be…

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What is Kennetic Massage?

by Ted F. Kennett, LMT, MTI Kennetics is an approach to massage therapy which combines three powerful modalities. The first is trigger point therapy. I have been practicing clinical trigger point therapy for 20 years. Trigger points are well-accepted and effective means, developed especially by Dr. Janet Travell, President Kennedy’s physician, to treat musculo-skeletal problems.…

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Short Upper Arm

By Nancy Dail, LMT Often in a practice we run across individuals with similar problems in a series that can sometimes be blamed on the season or weather. Certainly clients with back issues come to us after playing sports or during gardening season. For whatever reason, however, lately, I am seeing several clients with short…

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The Value of Ethics

By Nancy Dail, LMT Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were Greek philosophers who laid down the foundation for ethics in society. The word “ethics” comes from the Greek ethikos meaning “arising from habit”. The motivation to behave ethically as a moral standard is to believe that if you act appropriately you will support character traits that…

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This isn’t Massage! “The Client List” – Cancel This Show!

By David Lauterstein The Client List is a new show with Jennifer Love Hewitt working at a spa where massage and sexual favors are confused. We at Lauterstein-Conway Massage School want to go on record as deploring this show – along with the national organizations the American Massage Therapy Association and the Associated Bodywork and…

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