In Every Pause There’s a Role for Faith

iI’s easy, when you listen to the news, to lose faith in so many aspects of humanity. Yet we can and must re-activate the deep pleasure that comes from having faith in people.  And it takes just a little time – just pausing with care during our work and life. As a teacher in my…

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The Masseter – Jaws, Too!

A goodly part of our brain is still “reptilian”.  We react, automatically, to excess stress with tension, readying to run or fight.  One place where many of us still experience a bit of the reptile in our own bodies, is in the jaws. When you are angry and feel like biting someone’s head off, so…

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The Subluxation of Time

Subluxation is a largely chiropractic term for a joint being misaligned.  Naturally, any therapist concerned with the structure of the body looks to help with alignment and address the soft tissue component of subluxations.  We help line up the body’s spaces so that the force of gravity, will, and physiological clarity flows through the organism.…

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The Two Mothers of Deep Massage

the skin of this planet must be stretched, the sea of its whiteness must be ironed and the hands go and go, the sacred surfaces are smoothed and that’s the way things are made: hands make the world each day. — Pablo Neruda   My mother, Faye Markin, was a deep thinker and feeler, and…

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Massage, Awe and Time

If you know even a bit about the science of the human body – having even the most basic understanding of how the nervous system works, how muscles and bones are structured, etc. – then you almost inevitably will see the body from the standpoint of awe.  We are so incredibly complex and amazing in…

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Deep Massage Book – updates

The Deep Massage Book has just been out for three months!  It’s interesting to me that a Continuing Education Coordinator suggested to me that I use its subtitle as the title for my workshops – I never thought of it! The subtitle is “How to Combine Structure and Energy in Bodywork”.  Well that is what…

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A Cornucopia Saturated with Massage Jobs

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger One of the most common comments people make to me when I tell them I am a massage therapist is something along the lines of, “Wow, Austin is really saturated with massage therapists, isn’t it?” The statement is usually accompanied by a sympathetic look with a dash of fascination.…

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Wisdom from a Graduate

Fascia, the primary connective tissue in our bodies, is “thixotrophic”. This is the chemical property of certain natural substances (such as some clays in the soil, paints, some condiments) such that, when we add activity to them (such as pressure, heat, movement), they become qualitative softer and more fluid. A reader of The Deep Massage…

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How can you do Massage if you don’t know what’s inside?

by David Lauterstein I say to so many of our students, especially when they start the internship, that each person is a gift. It is such a gift, for both for therapist and client, to explore the layers of fascia, muscle, and bone and to see how you can make a positive difference in their…

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