Overflow of Massage Jobs

Over the last year, I have seen a drastic influx of jobs available for Massage Therapists. But you don’t have to trust me – the proof is seen all over. Check Craigslist, job boards, and businesses with ‘now hiring’ signs. It all points to the fact that Massage Therapists are in-demand. I can only speculate…

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What you don’t know about Neck Pain

by David Lauterstein Do you know the difference between tests which reveal whether it is a ligament or a muscle that is injured in the neck?  How do you know if both are injured? Did you know that, in most ligament injuries, 5-15 ligaments are injured? Do you know how to do myofascial release and…

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The Forearm Class

by Marc Frazier I was recently sitting down with Jan Hutchinson, PT/LMT who will be co-teaching our upcoming workshop(along with Advanced Rolfer, Dena Roberts) We were discussing how to make best use of the class time we have planned for this November 4th workshop—Clinical Massage Techniques for the Forearm, Wrist and Hands. This class is…

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The “Electricity” of Touch

As many of you know, I am a strong advocate for the massage and bodywork field committing to understand energy as well as structure. My book’s subtitle is “How To Combine Structure and Energy in Bodywork.” I think exclusively structural and exclusively energetic bodyworks both have the weakness of not approaching things holistically. For me,…

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Deep Massage for the Sacro-iliac Ligaments

For lower back pain, some of the most important structures we need to address are the ligaments. Of particular interest are those running “horizontally” – from the levels of S5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and L5 to the ilium at each vertebral level. The sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments are, in other words, running at 90°…

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Teacher of the Year – a diary entry and album of photos/videos

This year I received the 2012 Jerome Perlinski Teacher of the Year from the American Massage Association.  I thank AMTA for this great honor and thank Central Texas therapist/fellow teacher, Ariana Vincent, for initiating the nomination and seeing that process through. It was a rich and evocative experience. On October 4th my wife, Julie, and…

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Having been an artist, working first in music, then in bodywork, for now for over 50 years, I have met many wrestlers – clients wrestling with their lives, students, teachers, and therapists. And I’ve been fighting the good fight myself these years as well. The first person I ever saw wrestling artistically with desperation and…

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REFLECTIONS ON ANGER AND DEEP MASSAGE Anger’s just the natural, healthy vibration that happens when we encounter an obstacle – like water vibrating against a rock in the middle of a flowing stream. It’s no accident we so often say “damn” when we encounter obstacles! We have three choices: 1. To aim the anger against…

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