Zero Balancing allows for more change, both emotional and physical

by Jim McCormick I have studied many separate forms of psychotherapy – from Gestalt therapy; Bioenergetics; Co-Counseling; Counseling theory in general; Rogerian Therapy; Art therapy, etc.. I have also received many years of psychotherapy which has been very useful both in clearing my field to be able to be with clients in non-judgmental and non-projecting…

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7 Ways Getting Manual Lymph Drainage Certified Will Help Your Practice

Updated February 5, 2018 By Reid Peterson, MA, CMT Director of Continuing Education at Klose Training Klose Training has been providing certification courses in Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) for almost 10 years. Our certification is based on the Vodder technique, and we ensure that our students thoroughly understand the science and applications of the modality.…

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Do you know the biggest health secret?

Perhaps the biggest health secret humankind needs to hear is being carried by the bodywork profession! What do you think it is? Ever since Ida Rolf stressed the important of verticality and the role that fascia plays in that – we have seen, in essence, the final step in human evolution. Most humans are stuck…

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What is Polarity Balancing?

by Maruti Seidman Polarity Balancing is based on Polarity Therapy founded by Dr. Randolph Stone. It is a wonderful system of energy healing based on Ayurvedic Medicine. Polarity Balancing utilizes the power of meditation, gentle hands-on healing techniques, positive thoughts and attitudes, healthy nutrition and exercise to assist people in achieving a sense of well-…

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Thanks for supporting our effort to help the Austin community!

This year, the Lauterstein-Conway Massage School wanted to give back to the Austin community by supporting the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas with a Canned Food Drive. By bringing in a non-perishable food item for the drive, clients received $5 off a massage. And boy did our clients rise to the occasion! In fact,…

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Deep Massage and the Two-Sides of the Iliopsoas

I believe an important opportunity is missed when people work with the iliopsoas only unilaterally (one-side at a time). The “crura” (meaning “legs”) of the diaphragm interdigitate with the origins of the psoas. The feeling of standing in a balanced way on two legs is supported by the bilaterality of the psoas’ structure and function…

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Gifts from TLC – New! The Deep Massage Book (and CD – Roots and Branches)

Are you a massage therapist? Get the best book and the best music CD for massage for your therapist/friends this year! If you’re in Austin, drop by our school! To order on-line – The Deep Massage Book – from Roots and Branches – from Here are just a few of the many lovely…

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Aromatherapy – for everyday life

Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils for therapy. The idea behind aromatherapy is for the chemical components from the essential oils to trigger the release of chemicals to make a person react in an intended way, whether that is relaxed, sleepy, etc. There is such a plethora of essential oils that can be used…

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How much can you learn about the Neck? .. A lot!

The neck is one of the most common places on the body for clients to have pain and want help with. It also happens to be incredibly complex, with tons of muscles that could contribute to neck pain. To help get a grasp on this complex area of the body, Ben Benjamin, Ph.D., has examined…

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