Let’s be honest. Humans are self-lubricating entities. We have sebaceous glands whose sole purpose is to lubricate and waterproof the skin. These glands are associated with hair (we have about 5 million distributed over the whole body). Then we have perspiration, a brilliant method of thermoregulation. We can sweat off as many as 14 liters…

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Grad Chronicle – James Uhl

by James Uhl After graduating TLC in 2011 I immediately began gaining experience by working on my own practice as well as doing chair and sports massage for different events around the city. In July, 2012 I received my NASM Personal Training certification in attempt to bridge two aspects of care to help my clients.…

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One year at Massage School can change everything!

by Shannon Young I have been working in school admissions for years. In that time one thing I have found to be true is that there is never a perfect time to go back to school. There is never the perfect amount of money, time, or energy to make the decision super easy. Thing about…

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Your body is composed of layers. Each one has a relatively soft, connective tissue associated with it. Generally called “fascia”, these connective tissue layers act somewhat like a series of living saran wrappings around all the tissues in the body. The layers overall are: The skin with its associated superficial fascia The organs and muscles…

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Stiff Neck – Un-puzzling the Problem

by Nancy Dail Clients regularly complain of having a “stiff neck”. It may hurt to rotate, flex, extend or laterally flex the head or just feel like the head does not respond to movement well. Complaints may also include pain or discomfort on top of the head, general headache, or specific headache pain patterns. Discomfort…

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5 Reasons the Saturday Only class is great!

You have more time between classes to absorb information. The Saturday Only class meets just one day a week. This means students have more time to not only absorb the theoretical parts of the curriculum, but they have more time to practice and develop their hands-on skills as well! You can keep your job and…

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I first met the founder of Zero Balancing…

I first met the founder of Zero Balancing, Fritz Smith, MD, in 1986 at the AMTA National Convention in Washington, D.C. At that time, I was a therapist, instructor, and the editor of the Massage Therapy Journal. I had heard of Dr. Smith as teaching, at the Esalen Institute and elsewhere, this modality called “Zero…

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Pediatric Massage

by Marybetts Sinclair Sensitive massage is a unique type of therapy that can speak directly to many of the greatest needs of children. It is stimulating, relaxing, emotionally nurturing and feels terrific. It can help children release tension, become more aware of their bodies, and form a body image that is positive and strong. When there are…

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New Year, New Career

Welcome to 2015. This is going to be the year you find a career that give you both passion and success! We say it year after year, hoping the right career will just pop up and snatch us from our current situation. Maybe you hate your 9 to 5 hours or sitting at a computer…

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Vitamin T

Life cannot thrive without touch. This is so fundamental that too often it goes without being said or even recognized. The embrace of the baby in the womb, the touch of the mother, father and other adults nurturing, feeding, welcoming the child, the later touch of peers, lovers, partners, the touch of our own children…

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