(Video) Kate Jordan: Manual Therapy Treatment for Low Back Pain in Pregnancy

by Kate Jordan, Developer of Bodywork for the Childbearing Year www.katejordanseminars.com/Def… .Kate talks about lower back pain in pregnancy and demonstrates some techniques to use to minimize or eliminate back pain. Kate is using massage equipment created by Oakworks www.massagetables.com Kate Jordan is a pioneer in the field of massage therapy for pregnancy. She has practiced as…

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Pregnancy Massage – Touch for the Mom-To-Be

Pregnancy is nine transformative months full of excitement, planning, and peering at the awesome unfolding of life. But this transformation also brings inevitable side effects. But you don’t have to suffer in silence. The gentle, noninvasive approach of pregnancy massage can ease your discomfort, help you prepare for labor, give you the emotional support of…

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Ease Growing Pains with Infant Massage

by Gina Michelle I’m writing this after a night when I was awakened by my 2-year-old at 4:00 a.m. He was pointing to his legs and saying, “Ow! Ow!” His first growing pains were here. The childhood leg aches we call “growing pains” are normal, though nobody knows exactly why they happen. The massage therapist…

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Holding Headaches at Bay

Bodywork Eases Migraines and Tension Headaches By Cathy Ulrich “Do you get headaches?” I asked Cindy. She had come to see me for massage to address her neck and shoulder pain but hadn’t mentioned headaches.“Well, yes,” she said. “I’ve always had headaches and, now that you mention it, they seem to be worse when my…

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Heal Your Soul Through “Heel and Sole”

It is amazing how people love work on their feet and therapists often love working on the feet and yet…Most therapists don’t know the anatomy of the feet! I myself didn’t! I don’t know how many years it was before I really studied the intrinsic muscles of the feet…probably ten. But finally I really explored…

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National Massage Therapy Awareness Week Oct 25-31

We are next week celebrating the 19th annual National Massage Therapy Awareness Week – October 25-31, 2015. Massage Therapy Awareness means so much more than just the awareness that massages are good for you. It brings to mind the role that touch plays in our lives. Touch is the first sense to develop in the…

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Becoming a Real Specialist in Pregnancy Massage

by Kate Jordan, developer of Bodywork for the Childbearing Year I’m told over and over by my pregnant clients that they’ve never had a pregnancy massage like this-one that was comfortable, relaxing, but that also effectively addressed the unique concerns of pregnancy, whether it was back pain, leg cramps, or the best sleeping position. While…

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Mindbody Acupressure as a tool

by Gayl Hubatch My Bodywork practice began in 1982 with Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® and massage therapy. I totally resonated with the idea of how interconnected all of life is! I was living in Oregon and needed a massage license to practice. So I studied massage therapy and WOW what an easy and powerful…

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1. Start a career you will LOVE by Spring 2016! The October Evening Class is a 6 month program. This means you can start your new career as a Massage Therapist in April 2016! 2. Learn from a great instructors, Christopher Fritel & Gretchen Cole Our teachers are all extremely knowledgeable and dedicated to helping students…

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