Suzuki Roshi: ‘Sometimes a flash will come through a dark sky...The sky is never surprised when all of a sudden a thunderbolt breaks through. And when lightning does flash, a wonderful sight may be seen. When we have emptiness, we are always prepared for watching the...

6 month Schedules - Next Available Morning: Mon – Thur 8:15am – 12:45pm Start Date: May 10, 2017 Afternoon: Mon – Thur 1:10pm – 5:40pm Start Date: Sept 11, 2017 Evening: Mon – Thur 6:00pm – 10:30pm Start Date: April 17, 2017 12 month Schedules MARCH:...

Hot Stone Massage – Meditation in Motion
By Joy Sablatura Rockwell Hot stone massage is one of the most deeply relaxing forms of massage. With hydrotherapy, one applies a hydrocollator pack to the back to relax the muscles before being able to massage on a deeper level. With hot stones, the therapist has the...

The Erroneous Belief that Life Should be On-course
One of our employees has been working here pregnant, courageous and remarkably good-humored even in being a bit overdue. Yesterday she gave birth. I haven’t been around anyone for many years through her whole pregnancy. And so having a baby seems like an unusual,...

Your mind naturally wanders, but, as it says in the Lord of the Rings, "Not all who wander are lost." When we do Deep Massage, we cultivate healthy "psycho-mechanics," We attend as much to the movement of awareness as to the movement of our body. So to facilitate the...

Neuromuscular Therapy: The Nemerov Method
by Howard Nemerov “Jane” reported pain in her left shoulder area. Initial assessment revealed tension along the superior medial border of her left scapula, as well as a zone of spinalis tension along her left lower thoracic spine. The Nemerov Method explains the “why”...

Ornament, Crime and Massage – The Art of Massage #7
Ornament and Crime? Got your attention? Well I’m not really going to write about that. However, that was the title of a famous essay written by the architect, Adolf Loos, in 1908. He was a founding member of the “Bauhaus,” a modern movement that approached design with...

Healthy Holidays – 5 Tips for the Natural Traveler
Planning a vacation or business trip? Consider packing a small kit of natural remedies before you go. Unfamiliar surroundings, unusual foods, and jet lag can make you vulnerable to viruses, stress, and gastrointestinal (GI) upset. Colorado Naturopathic Physician...

Everything must touch! Send feelers out And love is like a vine, it is connecting us. ~ David Lauterstein What connects one touch with another? What role does breath play in the art of massage? In yoga, if we do the postures and movement without full...

Eternity in the Palm of Your Hand – The Art of Massage #5
Time is what we are made of – in addition, of course to space. Ida Rolf noted “gravity is the therapist” – meaning we derive the sense of balance from our relationship to gravity in space. To say that “time is the therapist” is equally true. Of course we already say...