The Iliopsoas: The Irresistible Center of Existence!
by David Lauterstein There are structural theories and therapies relating to our anatomy. And there are energy theories and therapies. So far the two have been evolving in parallel, without much conscious interconnection. Yet since people are both structure and...

My wife and I got massages at a very nice spa last night. We each signed up for 1.5 hour deep tissue. What we got is about 60 minutes on the back, relatively little work on the rest of the body. Therapists, maybe some clients, want only back, shoulder and neck work....

Meet Serratus Anterior Again
Last weekend I was teaching a Deep Massage Teacher training and we traded each day. On the second day, after receiving, I stood up, walked around, and was amazed at how free my shoulder girdle felt – primarily because my partner hadn’t worked on my shoulders! Neither...

A Reflection: What is Lomi Lomi ‘Hawaiian Temple Bodywork’ ?
By Jason Bratcher LMT/MTI/Texas CE Provider and Lomi Kumu. (WATCH VIDEO) Aloha!! I would like to share with all of you some ideas and thoughts I have had regarding this system of bodywork and why I feel it would benefit every Massage Therapist out there to learn and...

As therapists everyday we see our clients' need for touch, and people's in general. What we do not recognize nearly as often is "the need TO touch". In Harry Harlow's famous experiment with nursing primates, he found that they consistently choose a soft figure to...

Senior Massage – Not Just for Old People
by Mary Duval The seniors are coming – be prepared! The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. Every day since then more than 7000 baby boomers have reached 65 and this will continue until 2030, when all baby boomers are 65 or older. This is a growing population and...

What is Table Thai Massage?
by Robert Gardner Table Thai is something I developed after being unable to find facilities that allowed me do Thai massage on a mat. In most of Texas, massage is done on a table so the Thai massage I'd learned was difficult to use in various settings whether I worked...

I have found that the biggest and best thing one can do with advanced modalities is to revisit them. It’s funny that our culture is so into the next new thing that the idea of going more deeply into something seems revolutionary! This is particularly true of subtle...

Chair Massage can be Essential to Your Success
You see chair massage all over – in grocery stores, banks, airports, concerts, car races, etc. – it’s wild!I recently saw someone doing chair massage where I could not believe my eyes – I felt like going over and giving the therapist a ticket! ☺ This person was...

Meet Your Mindbody Acupressure Instructor – Gayl Hubatch
by Gayl Hubatch, OMD, LAc, LMT My Bodywork practice began in 1982 with Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® and massage therapy. This opened me to the world of Mind Body connections and eastern philosophy. Embracing the study, I finished my doctorate and licensure in...