Massage Therapy Careers: Franchise Massage Therapist

massage instructor with massage student

One of the benefits of a career in massage therapy is the number and variety of opportunities you have to perform bodywork. Some licensed massage therapists (LMTs) choose to specialize over the lifetime of their careers and some have a practice that ranges in every way possible. This series discusses the range of environments, specifically,…

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How to Choose the Best Massage School for You: Location Matters

where you go to massage school matters

Leverage the Location of the Massage School You Choose for Your Best Shot at Success Beyond convenience, the one reason location matters when choosing the best massage school for you is leverage. When you choose a massage school with a good reputation in the city in which it is located, that reputation can be a…

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The more time you spend on the internet – with email, googling, facebook, snapchat – the more depressed you get. Many studies have shown that. So why are we still so “wired” in? The promise, the potential, of experiencing a sense of connection is often even more exciting and captivating than the actual connection! The…

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In Austin, we have a saying, “Keep Austin Weird.” I have always prided myself and our school for helping to keep Austin weird – since massage is still regarded as a little weird by some people. It still gets made fun of in movies, TV, cartoons, etc. Then I asked myself, “Well, what does being…

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People used to think massage just facilitated circulation.  But there have been enormous advances in this field and in massage education.  Now some of greatest teachers are showing us that tension is released in the muscles and their connective tissues, by intelligent, science- informed touch and quality of contact – not by quantity of pressure…

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My client walks with a grace in her step. She seems like she’s walking on air. She laughs, she jokes, she doesn’t seem to care. She is a bit heavy and is working out to improve; at times it does dampen her mood. It’s hard not to hide beneath the shield of clothes. Her posture erect…

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How to Choose the Best Massage School for You: 3 Signs Your Massage Curriculum Will Prepare You for a Successful Career

Massage School Curriculum

Unless you have interviewed a massage therapist about the foundational elements of their massage curriculum in depth, a massage school admissions pamphlet is not going to tell you whether their program will prepare you for a successful career in massage therapy. For this reason, it is important to analyze a massage school’s curricula before enrolling…

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With BMT’s, movement is the message as well as the goal. By David Lauterstein BMT techniques attempt to unwind prohibiting tissue abnormalities which restrict joint movement – not only the end ranges of movement but the quality of joint motion as well. BMT uniquely combines movement, stretches and trigger point work. Adding this dynamic massage…

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Believing in Touch

I have never been a very conventional religious person. Maybe those of us who practice massage therapy are, however, in touch with something deeply spiritual underlying all beliefs. From an early age I did have a respect and attraction to the sacred, often through art and music, and also from a deep hope that humans…

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