by Bethany | Jul 12, 2022 | 500-hour Massage Program, All Articles, Featured, How to Get a Massage License, Massage Careers, Massage Facts
Interested in becoming a Massage Therapist? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to become a Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas. The state agency that regulates massage therapy is the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation(TDLR) TDLR defines Massage Therapy as...
by davidl | Jan 19, 2021 | All Articles
The feet are the foundation for our whole body and for our whole life! It is surprising that, nonetheless, most massage therapists do not know the muscles of the feet in detail! Every therapist needs a thorough knowledge of all the muscles of the feet and techniques...
by davidl | Dec 10, 2018 | All Articles, David Lauterstein
Massage Therapists, You are Educators… by David Lauterstein, TLC Co-Director The most important sentence I’ve ever read about teaching is from Martin Buber in his essay, The Education of Character. “It is not the educational intention, but it is the meeting...
by davidl | Feb 21, 2018 | All Articles
I have never been a very conventional religious person. Maybe those of us who practice massage therapy are, however, in touch with something deeply spiritual underlying all beliefs. From an early age I did have a respect and attraction to the sacred, often through art...