by davidl | Nov 16, 2015 | 500-hour Massage Program, All Articles
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao-Tzu How many steps, how many thousands of miles did you travel last year? How many thousands of steps and miles we will take in the next year? How can you make this journey more full of life, goodness,...
by Bethany | Nov 13, 2015 | All Articles
By Mark Dauenhauer As the Education Director for The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School I meet and interact with between 200-300 students per year. I’m with them for their very first class and periodically teach certain classes as they move through our program, so I...
by Bethany | Apr 13, 2015 | All Articles, Alumni Stories
by Kim Noll Like almost yesterday I remember my childhood in Ohio as a dedicated gymnast. Practice, practice, and more practice as if each day were a new challenge. At the age of 10, I knew what it was to be persistent with my focus, diet, sleep, exercise, rest, and...
by Bethany | Feb 25, 2015 | All Articles, Alumni Stories
by James Uhl After graduating TLC in 2011 I immediately began gaining experience by working on my own practice as well as doing chair and sports massage for different events around the city. In July, 2012 I received my NASM Personal Training certification in attempt...
by Bethany | Jun 4, 2014 | All Articles, Alumni Stories
by Amanda Jainté Shanteé Chaboudy My recent story is a very happy one. Like most therapists, however, I was drawn to massage because of the suffering I have witnessed in my life, and the amplified desire to help others, and to find happiness in my work and life. Since...