Neuromuscular Therapy: The Nemerov Method

Neuromuscular Therapy: The Nemerov Method

by Howard Nemerov “Jane” reported pain in her left shoulder area. Initial assessment revealed tension along the superior medial border of her left scapula, as well as a zone of spinalis tension along her left lower thoracic spine. The Nemerov Method explains the “why”...

Massage for the Sinuses

I live in Austin, one of the allergy capitals of the world. And every few years, particularly when our cedar trees bloom, I bloom too – into sinus infflammation. What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is usually a response to allergens or viruses. Our sinuses are hollow...

Anatomy Review: Levator Scapula, The Saga

Origin: C3-5 Insertion: Superior angle of the scapula  Action: Lifts scapula and/or extends the neck (Excessive:“Knot” or upper scapula) Antagonist: Inferior fibers of trapezius The levator scapula is a cable-like muscle that is usually overworked by our tendency to...

Anatomy Review: Latissimus Dorsi

by David Lauterstein Origin: sacrum, iliac crest, L5-T7, R 10-12, inferior angle of scapula, Insertion: Intertubercular grove of humerus, Action: Extension,medial rotation of humerus, adduction of humerus, depression of shoulder girdle, lower fibers depress ribcage,...
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