Massage – A Blessing for Everyone

In Deuteronomy it says, “Blessed be the work of thy hands.” When I was a child, I was entranced by the beautiful book, The Family of Man.  This had incredible photographs from all over the world.  People in families, giving birth, dying, at war, at work, playing, kissing, making music, leaping up in the air. …

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“Wisdom of the Body” – Stanley Kunitz on poetry (and massage)

These words are excerpted from the essay “The Wisdom of the Body” from Stanley Kunitz’ book Next-to-Last Things.  I’ve found them inspiring my massage therapy again and again over the years. For ages before (human writing), “immense quantities of human experience,” in Alfred North Whitehead’s phrase,”had been accumulating in men’s bodies.”  The body, in its…

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Massage Therapy Hall of Fame (and Self Horn-Tooting….awkward :)

Today I’m being inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.  Thank you to Mike Hinkle, the World Massage Festival, and the world of massage therapy and bodywork for this recognition.  So many people spend their whole lives teaching and/or working with clients with virtually no appreciation outside of their immediate circle.  So thank you…

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What are Energy and Structure? Clarity will Help our Massages!

As you may notice, over the last few weeks in this blog I’ve been focusing mostly on structure/energy, art/science and their integration in bodywork.  Bit-by-bit I want to assemble a position paper that helps brings clarity to these things and helps our field take a closer look at integrative healthcare.  Thanks for listening and your…

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Animal Massage

Animal massage has become quite popular of late.  Dogs, cats, horses…really, most animals can experience dramatic health benefits as a result of skilled touch.  This is largely human massage performed on animals other than humans. However, animal massage at its best, of course, is performed by these other animals. My cat, Sparky, simultaneously performs acupuncture…

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Energy in Bodywork & Massage Therapy

The broadest use of the term energy in bodywork has been applied to bodywork that consciously aims at more than just soft tissues.  The scientific method is empirical.  It looks at and works with what is there.  In the case of a human, what is there is a body, and certainly mind and emotions as…

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Stand By Me! – a song for massage therapy?

In 1962 Ben E. King recorded the song, “Stand By Me.” In this appeal – to whom? – his lover, God, his massage therapist? – he calls up the courage it really does take to stand up and live our lives each day. It is sad, terrifying, joyous, maddening, inspiring, and mundane to live our…

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Massage Therapy with Two Eyes

Energy work and structural work are two sides of the same coin. The most effective therapy arises from an approach that respects the unity of structural and energetic aspects of both therapist and the client. The various arguments for and against energy work, for and against insistence on evidence-based therapy, are certainly passionate. The best…

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Energy Work Defended (Against Devotees and Detractors)

Energy is too important a subject to be, on the one hand, defined only by its devotees – some of whose ideas or practices have been shown to be false or dangerous or with claims made for scientific validity where there is insufficient scientific evidence or disproof. On the other hand, energy work has been…

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Energy and Integrative Massage in Recent History

When I began as a therapist in 1977, Swedish massage, Shiatsu, Rolfing, Aston Patterning, Reiki, Feldenkrais, Alexander work, Polarity, and Cranio-sacral therapy were what one mostly encountered.  There was a broad umbrella under which they all easily co-existed. As the massage and bodywork field grew, its proliferation gave rise to new modalities, new educational standards,…

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