What is Kennetic Massage?

by Ted F. Kennett, LMT, MTI Kennetics is an approach to massage therapy which combines three powerful modalities. The first is trigger point therapy. I have been practicing clinical trigger point therapy for 20 years. Trigger points are well-accepted and effective means, developed especially by Dr. Janet Travell, President Kennedy’s physician, to treat musculo-skeletal problems.…

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The Value of Ethics

By Nancy Dail, LMT Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were Greek philosophers who laid down the foundation for ethics in society. The word “ethics” comes from the Greek ethikos meaning “arising from habit”. The motivation to behave ethically as a moral standard is to believe that if you act appropriately you will support character traits that…

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This isn’t Massage! “The Client List” – Cancel This Show!

By David Lauterstein The Client List is a new show with Jennifer Love Hewitt working at a spa where massage and sexual favors are confused. We at Lauterstein-Conway Massage School want to go on record as deploring this show – along with the national organizations the American Massage Therapy Association and the Associated Bodywork and…

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Being out of Synch – with Massage Therapy!

I sometimes wonder if those of us involved in massage and the art and science of high touch (rather than high tech) are a little out of synch with the times. Well I don’t wonder – I know I’m, at least a bit, out of synch. Then I remind myself of how a piano is…

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What Happens When Your Massage Client Disappears?

I have received student sessions for years – it’s a requirement at our school (I know – tough life for us teachers!) I commonly have the experience that, in the best sessions, one forgets the therapist is there.  The touch feels so trustworthy and clear that the focus is not on the therapist’s touch, but…

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Marketing with Your Body! Massage Promotion with one’s Whole Self

The more you learn about massage and bodywork, the more you learn about life as a whole.  I have been a therapist now for 35 years and a teacher for 25.  I have run my school, The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School in Austin, Texas, for 23 years.  I’ve learned that the same principles that apply in…

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Where are You Going? – Massage and the Nervous System, Part 3

by David Lauterstein I once got a greeting card, “On the Family Trip to Nirvana,” with parents sitting in the car’s front seat and two kids in the back, asking their parents, “Are we there yet?” With this next deeper level of the nervous system, we are not at Nirvana but, in a way, we…

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When First We REALLY Meet – Massage and the Nervous System, Part 2

It is not the therapeutic intention that is fruitful, but it is how we really meet that is therapeutically fruitful.  (paraphrase of Martin Buber) The nerve cells which sense pressure and vibration were discovered in 1831 by the Italian anatomist, Giovanni Pacini, who also discovered the cholera bacteria. Named “Pacinian corpuscles” in his honor, these…

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When First We Meet – Massage and the Nervous System, Part I

Meissner’s corpuscles were discovered by the anatomist Georg Meissner in the 19th century.  They are located in the skin, just underneath the epidermis. These are the main receptors uniquely designed and located to detect specifically light touch*.  So these are what our clients first sense with when we lay our hands on a body.  When…

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