Tips for Therapists Get Feedback – unlike paints and notes, our medium is intelligent and can tell us if our work is inspiring them! Brilliantly eliciting and responding to feedback can almost guarantee that you can optimize the experience in every single session. Every session is a collaborative artwork. Listen – with your hands. What…

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The study of massage

Various T.V. shows have depicted massage as something kind of weird or funny. And that’s fine. But I see that as people making fun of things they don’t understand or are embarrassed about. Massage and the study of massage is actually one of the most profound professions and realms of study that there is. So…

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Senior Massage – Not Just for Old People

by Mary Duval The seniors are coming – be prepared! The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. Every day since then more than 7000 baby boomers have reached 65 and this will continue until 2030, when all baby boomers are 65 or older. This is a growing population and even if you do not plan to…

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Fists down the erectors

by David Lauterstein There are a vast number of potentially effective techniques for lower back pain. In my experience, however, there are three which are most dependably useful and, if done well, have a wonderful impact. Like most effective techniques in troubled areas, if not done well, they may exacerbate the pain! Let’s practice structural…

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Letting Go of Random in Mind and Body

When we meditate, we may concentrate on an experience such as feeling breath at the tips of our nostrils, or the silent repetition of a mantra, or visualizing a symbol, etc. That then becomes a “home” for our awareness. Our mind will naturally wander; it’s restless. But we have a home to return to. The…

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Without a Clear End You Can’t Have a Clear Beginning

The Ending of the Calendar Year Is an Important Time of Transition by David Lauterstein The transition in seasons and the transition through the holidays and into the new year is a critical time. It is in many ways the most important time to end habits that no longer serve us. By letting go of…

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The Only Mind You Can Read is Your Own!

I wake up early in the morning and one of reasons I do is I like the general calmness and silence of that time. A few years ago I started listening more deeply to the “voice” in my head. For many years before that, I felt that it was often talking too loudly and too…

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I am Proud of the Women (and Men) Who Constitute the Bulk of Practitioners of Massage Therapy!

In 1910 the Carnegie Foundation funded the “Flexnor Report” to enforce in the U.S. longer training and the curriculum common in European medical schools. It called upon American medical schools to enact higher admission and graduation standards, and to adhere strictly to the protocols of what mainstream science proposed in teaching and research. A repercussion…

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Diary of a Massage Therapist: Surviving Massage School Again (and Life)

By Jennifer (Shaw) Bonessi, LMT, cPT, RYT at Bodywork In Austin Dear Diary: I know it’s been a while since I’ve written. Life just got crazy. (Doesn’t it always?) I’ve finally completed Lauterstein-Conway’s Advanced Program while managing to keep my massage business afloat, taught regular couples massage classes in both a private and public setting,…

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