Explore Deep Massage

The Deep Massage: Lauterstein Method I workshop coming up January 24-26 at Lauterstein-Conway Massage School in Austin may change your work more than any other class you’ve ever taken. You will learn all the theory and every hands-on technique in The Deep Massage...

The study of massage

Various T.V. shows have depicted massage as something kind of weird or funny. And that’s fine. But I see that as people making fun of things they don’t understand or are embarrassed about. Massage and the study of massage is actually one of the most profound...
Senior Massage – Not Just for Old People

Senior Massage – Not Just for Old People

by Mary Duval The seniors are coming – be prepared! The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. Every day since then more than 7000 baby boomers have reached 65 and this will continue until 2030, when all baby boomers are 65 or older. This is a growing population and...

Is massage/bodywork a science?

Is massage/bodywork a science? Is it a form of non-verbal psychotherapy? Is it a fine art? a form of holistic healthcare? an allopathic medical practice? a wellness modality? a liberal art? a spiritual practice? Massage and bodywork in the U.S. have been regarded as...
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