
 by Jason Bratcher In the previous article on the Austin Massage blog I focused on the “Deeper” aspects of Lomi Lomi (it’s a great read and I encourage you to read or reread it and blend it with this new article.) Since Lomi Lomi means to “Weave”, amongst its other...


This is an article I’ve spent a long time writing – for the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education and just published by Massage Today. May it do a WORLD of GOOD. Please share with other therapists! Very happy to get these responses already! Thank you most...

Moving Meditation

by Lauren Bilbe A few years back, I made a fortuitous decision to leave my career as a bureaucrat. My goal was to find a calling that allowed me to live a rhythm of life that works optimally for me, allowing for more free time. I desired to have a greater, more...

I Get Structurally Integrated

Ritchie Mintz, Certified Advanced Rolfer and Howard Miller, Produce & Meat Supervisor. Wheatsville Food Coop. will be presenting their perspectives on anatomy and Fascia in the upcoming workshop – Fascial Explorations and the Streams of Life on March 30....

Lose Frustration Now – Ask Me How!

or I’m Frustrated. You want to know why? Hell if I know! When it comes to emotions, we might say the only thing that’s frustrating is frustration! Therefore, when it comes to the emotional impact of massage, we might say our first concern is often the relief of...
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