A Brief History of Anatomy Trains

Tom Myers, the founder of Anatomy Trains, says: “I developed the Anatomy Trains during the 1990’s as a game for students to play when I was teaching Fascial Anatomy at the Rolf Institute . All the books you can find put forward the ‘single-muscle’ theory, but Ida Rolf...

8 Places a Massage Therapist Can Work

Some professions have you in a cubicle your whole life.  Others have just one track you can take.  But Massage Therapy is different!  It’s a personally fulfilling career.  You get to help others and you get to work in so many different environments. Massage Centers –...

What’s great about hot stone massage?

by Rima Star Hot stone massage joins the benefits of heat with massage, using natural riverbed lava rocks, heated in water in the therapy room. Hot stones are a tradition that has been used by Native Americans and other indigenous cultures around the world for...
Grad Chronicles – Rhianna Sanford

Grad Chronicles – Rhianna Sanford

by Rhianna Sanford Over the past 10 years I keep coming back to the reality that a good education is paramount in finding fulfillment and maintaining a sustainable practice. When I became a Massage Therapist I felt I had finally found something I loved doing and loved...

A note from David

I have to tell you I have never been more excited about our school than just now! We have learned so much and interacted with so many bright people this past year! We have begun a new schedule. We have added a new Deep Tissue segment. We have added new workshops and...
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