Massage School Admissions Director: Heidi Grant

Not only do Lauterstein-Conway Massage School faculty and staff have a sense of humor, they are also here to ensure students receive the best massage school experience possible. Heidi Grant, now the sole (and soul) member of the the Admissions department, is often the first person prospective students encounter when they inquire about massage school.…

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Engaging the Skyhook

An Anatomy Review with David Find out more information on “Engaging the Skyhook” at our Advanced Clinical Training Open House, click here to register.

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Why Choose the Life of a Massage Therapist?

I remember the exact moment in 1977 on a train in Chicago. I was working through the career-hunters book, What Color is Your Parachute?, and heard the words in my mind, “I guess I’m going to become a massage therapist!” And sure enough, that’s what I’ve been ever since. Here’s some of what I got…

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Massaging the Windows of Life: Where Your Muscles Meet Your Bones

When we do our strokes in Deep Massage, when we pause, particularly at the beginning or the end of a stroke, it creates a kind of “window”. These pauses naturally occur at the beginning and near the end of the muscle – at the origin and the insertion. As in most stories, beginnings and endings…

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Massage and the Nervous System: Part Three

Part three of Massage and the Nervous System. (See parts two and one.) As massage therapists we know how to get our hands on muscles and connective tissues. But now we see somehow we have to get our hands on the nervous system because otherwise it’s a bit like flipping light switches with no electricity – some action…

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