Anatomy Review: Back of the Future, Future of the Back

By David Lauterstein, LMT, Cert. ZB Most people don’t know much about their bodies.  As a result, we live with suffering individually and as a society suffer from the symptoms of “psycho-physical illiteracy”. Most of the physical suffering happens in the back.  Lower, middle, and upper back problems account for most worker absentee-ism in the U.S. –…

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Hospice Massage | The Three Big FAQs

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger 1. What is Hospice Care? Hospice is “(a)n interdisciplinary program of palliative care and support services that address the physical, spiritual, social and economic needs of terminally ill patients and their families,” as defined by Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. The idea of hospice for the terminally…

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Cancer, Treatment, and Massage

(Adapted by permission from Medical Conditions and Massage Therapy: A Decision Tree Approach, by Tracy Walton.  Philadelphia:  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.) When working with clients who have cancer, I try to remember that each person will respond differently to cancer and cancer treatment.  The variety of responses to chemotherapy is the most striking example. Some…

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Taxes: Conquer your Fear of Massage Business Taxes

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Massage therapists, have you done your 2010 taxes? Like all good citizens, I’ve made a start. I’ve collected a lot of stuff I think I need. I’ve also collected a lot of stuff I’m pretty sure I don’t need, but am keeping anyway “just in case.”…

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The Anatomy of Fight or Flight for Massage Therapists

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Guest Blogger Does this apply? Origin: Central Nervous System Insertion: Preganglionic Fibers Action: Fight or Flight When I told a friend of mine I was writing a blog article about the sympathetic nervous system, his response was, “Fight or flight. Rest and digest. The end.” If only the nervous system was…

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Massage Continuing Education: Happy Feet

Generally we have no appreciation for our feet and tend to ignore them for many years, until they decide they need some attention and rudely let us know. We force them to put up with poorly fitted shoes, stand on hard surfaces for hours on end, walk further than they appreciate and then get upset…

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Massage Continuing Education: Water Element Basics

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Marketing Director From a historical perspective, the Five Element Theory is one of the major systems of thought within Chinese medicine that serves a major diagnostic and treatment protocol. In modern clinical practice, the Five Element Theory is used in varying degrees depending on the practitioner and type of therapy. The…

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Massage CE: Pregnancy and Therapeutic Bodywork

By Ritchie Mintz My interest in post-pregnancy Rolfing® Structural Integration wasn’t idle curiosity but a trial by fire for all concerned. The ink on my Rolfing certificate was still wet when my first-born child, a daughter, was delivered C-section. I was overwhelmed by bills from not working during my 2-month final practitioner training, debt from…

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Massage CE: Lymphedema and Lyphmatic Drainage

By Liz Hoffmaster, PT, LMT, MTI What happens to the lymphatic system when it fails? Lymphedema is a common chronic, debilitation condition in which excess fluid called lymph collects in tissues and causes swelling in them. The lymphatic system is something most of us take for granted. The lymph nodes are tucked away in the…

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Massage CE: Massaging Seniors

By Peggy Rouh, LMT, MTI, PhD Seniors are the most appreciative massage client group you will ever encounter. Everyone loves a massage. Just as with babies, touch for seniors is integral to their well being. Also as we age, the opportunity for caring touch diminishes. Research shows that nurses in hospitals touch seniors less often…

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