The Diary of a Massage School Student: Week Five

Tired? You’re not alone. Dara Allen-Trainer, September 2010 “Saturday Section” student and TLCschool Customer Service Guru, is tired, too. But she’s not the one who falls asleep. See what she has to say about how the first five weeks of massage school have impacted her – and her husband! What was the hardest point of…

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Massage Job Fair: Massage Therapy & Chiropractics

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Marketing Director Are you considering working with a chiropractor? Have you been referred a client from one? How many of your massage clients also see chiropractors? Because the massage and chiropractic industries often overlap, at the 2010 Massage Job Fair TLCschool hopes to help interested LMTs learn more about what it’s…

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Featured Massage School Graduate: Allison Hoffman

When did you attend TLCschool? Accredited Program 1997-1998 and took Semesters 1 and 2. Why were you interested in massage therapy? I had been interested in Massage Therapy since grade school. I grew up giving massages to friends and family. I actually would work my way around the dinning room table giving back rubs out…

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Massage CE: Massaging Seniors

By Peggy Rouh, LMT, MTI, PhD Seniors are the most appreciative massage client group you will ever encounter. Everyone loves a massage. Just as with babies, touch for seniors is integral to their well being. Also as we age, the opportunity for caring touch diminishes. Research shows that nurses in hospitals touch seniors less often…

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Five Reasons to Join the November ACT

By David Lauterstein, BA, LMT, MTI, Co-founder I remember when I did my initial training at the Chicago School of Massage Therapy – back in 1977 – the dark ages! Afterward, I took a bunch of workshops but finally felt the need for much more systematic training and went on to study Structural Bodywork and…

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Diary of a Massage School Student: Week 23

Reflections of a Middle-aged Student By Kristina Deasey, March 2010 500-hour Professional Massage Training Student As I get older, I’m learning more and more the signs of when I’m doing too much: tired and achy, can’t seem to get good sleep or even enough sleep (even though my body and brain are worn out), feeling…

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Massage CEU: Business Support & Client Relationships

By Rima Star MA, LMT, Employment Consultant. (This article is part of the series Got a Massage Job: Key Points for Creating Successful Employment.) What are employers looking for? What are you looking for? How to navigate the world of employment more successfully is the focus of this class. This series of articles addresses the…

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Massage School: The First Massage Table

By David Lauterstein, LMT, MTI, Certified ZB Practioner, Co-founder of Lauterstein-Conway Massage School After a few years of receiving massages and appreciating so many benefits – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – I decided I would try doing it myself. At that time I was in Chicago and, unbelievably, there was no school! So I…

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