The Deep Massage Book – update!

About a year and half ago I wrote about the process of writing The Deep Massage Book, which I’ve been doing, off and on, for a number of years. So here’s an update.  I’m done with the writing and the commissioned illustrations from a fantastic local medical artist, Christy Krames, MA. I’ve pasted the table…

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Helen Keller was Right about Massage (and life)

Helen Keller was right – “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” In some ways every day is an adventure; every day a hero’s journey. We don’t know what will happen. We can see the obstacles and opportunities that arise as part of the incredible journeys, short and long, we take in this life.…

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Don’t learn more about massage!

Don’t learn more about massage or bodywork! Can you imagine anyone believing that? What do we get from advanced learning? Better results with our clients. The skill level needed for self-employment More client retention More alleviation of pain More effective release of physical tension More healing from past psychological stress and trauma More delight in…

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Sports Massage: 3 Ways Working with Athletes Helped My Massage Career

runner sprinting blue sky

by Marc Frazier, LMT, NSCA Almost from the start, my massage career has included a lot of regular work with competitive athletes. This was not something I chose to do, it just sort of happened. In fact, I remember someone telling me at the end of my second semester of training at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage…

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Three reasons Chair Massage opens the Gateway to Massage

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger If you’re new to massage, chair massage is the perfect gateway to your new career. There are many reasons chair massage is a great “entry point” for those new to massage therapy. Convenience is probably the most obvious reason – chair massage can be done any…

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Chair Massage is more than a “door opener”

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Just because chair massage is what massage therapist Lisa Santoro calls “a door opener,” does not mean it doesn’t require more technical training and practical experience than traditional massage therapy education offers. In an interview published by Massage & Bodywork Magazine, Santoro and fellow chair massage…

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Love your Lymph! Why it is important to massage therapists

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Lymph is a clear fluid that flows its way through the body toward the heart. If the words “toward the heart” didn’t sound significant enough to you, here are three more reasons why you should care about your clients’ lymph – and your own.   The…

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How I succeeded as a massage therapist

By Celeste Siebenaler, LMT I am a native Texan and Austinite who completed my 500 hour Massage Therapy program at Lauterstein-Conway Massage School in 2009. Before I graduated from school, I planned to have my own practice.  Here are the things I did to prepare for that to happen. I got my license in the…

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Healing as the Yoga of Acceptance

Tim Sullivan is a yoga teacher and massage therapist in training. You can find him at and On a recent plane ride from Austin to my hometown of Chicago, after stowing my yoga mat in the overhead compartment and taking a seat, my excited neighbor exclaimed, “So… you do yoga?!” She flipped her…

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Sports Massage – Great for the Therapist and for the Athlete!

By Shane Melear, LMT, MTI When I went to massage school I just knew I wanted to be a massage therapist. During a business class the teacher wanted to know what services we planned to offer and what populations were we interested in. This was the first time I had thought of offering different techniques…

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