by davidl | Jul 25, 2018 | All Articles, David Lauterstein, Massage Workshops
Crossing Paths with Chair Massage Lauterstein-Conway has been offering chair massage in Austin for decades, but before the mid-1980’s, there was no chair massage. Originally chair massage utilized a very specific routine devised by David Palmer, the co-designer...
by davidl | May 31, 2018 | All Articles, David Lauterstein
DNM is a structured, interactive approach to manual therapy that considers the nervous system of the patient – from skin cell to sense of self. We keep learning more and more about the impact of touch. There are some new ways of understanding touch that are...
by Bethany | Apr 13, 2018 | 500-hour Massage Program, All Articles
Leverage the Location of the Massage School You Choose for Your Best Shot at Success Beyond convenience, the one reason location matters when choosing the best massage school for you is leverage. When you choose a massage school with a good reputation in the city in...
by davidl | Mar 28, 2018 | All Articles
The more time you spend on the internet – with email, googling, facebook, snapchat – the more depressed you get. Many studies have shown that. So why are we still so “wired” in? The promise, the potential, of experiencing a sense of connection is often even more...
by davidl | Mar 18, 2018 | 500-hour Massage Program, All Articles
In Austin, we have a saying, “Keep Austin Weird.” I have always prided myself and our school for helping to keep Austin weird – since massage is still regarded as a little weird by some people. It still gets made fun of in movies, TV, cartoons, etc. Then I asked...