The First French Hippy Gets a Massage?

In 1785 Claude-Étienne Savary wrote about his experiences receiving massage in Egypt. ‘Perfectly massaged, one feels completely regenerated, a feeling of extreme comfort pervades the whole system, the chest expands, and we breathe with pleasure; the blood circulates with ease, and we have a sensation as if freed from an enormous load; we experience a…

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If You Love the Body – poem for massage therapists

IF YOU LOVE THE BODY If you love the body you must know the bone that ribs and peoples it; deeper than flesh you feel the beauty. That will last, simply as stone upheaves in season where the winter rain rakes asters and drooping cornstalks from a hill. If you love the body you must…

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Massage and Faith

Yesterday, I received a good session from a student.  I also received a deeper learning than ever about repetition.  The student did some very lovely strokes down the back and then followed them by more and similar strokes. Each stroke is a communication.  And though we know this on some level, we can forget it…

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ARE YOU BONE-TIRED? – reflections on Zero Balancing

When we say we’re “bone tired”, what does that really mean? It means tired to our core, not just sleepy.  It refers to a feeling of depletion – that we’ve drawn upon our vital stores of energy, which are now in need of replenishment. In Chinese medicine and philosophy, the energy that flows through the…

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Massage and Meditation: Sacred Science and Art

Bodywork is in some respects a sacred art form, like mandala painting. Sacred art forms are themselves pathways for self-growth, ultimately vehicles for enlightenment. In the Western world, sacred art was the predominant art style until and through the Renaissance. Dance throughout the world has been the Path of movement. I recall reading about an…

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Massage and Meditation: Touch Changes Everything

Next weekend I’ll be teaching “Massage and Meditation” a CE workshop which has become a holiday and new year’s tradition at our school. Whether we’ve been doing massage for just one year or twenty, we can always find ways to renew our appreciation for how profound, and sometimes how neglected, touches are in our lives.…

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Massage and Meditation: The Necessity of Beauty

Meditation and Massage allow us the “vacation” and “vocation” to be affected by and to affect the beauty which lies within each person.  Here is a wonderful passage excerpted from Thomas Moore’s book, Care of the Soul. “Beauty assists the soul in its own peculiar ways of being. For example, beauty is arresting. For the…

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Massage and the Joy of Standing!

Today we began a new class.  Something my Co-Director, John Conway, said at the orientation introduced an idea that I had never quite as precisely verbalized. He was beginning to guide the new students in an exchange of shoulder massages.  He was talking about what to do as we stood there, even before we put…

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Featured Massage School Graduate: Allison Hoffman

When did you attend TLCschool? Accredited Program 1997-1998 and took Semesters 1 and 2. Why were you interested in massage therapy? I had been interested in Massage Therapy since grade school. I grew up giving massages to friends and family. I actually would work my way around the dinning room table giving back rubs out…

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Burnout in your Massage Therapy Career

By Rainbough Phillips, LMT, Owner of Breath & Balance Bodyworks When you first get out of massage school the concept of “burnout” is almost unfathomable. How could anyone get “burnt out” of making other people feel better?! You have this miraculous and exciting new skill at your fingertips, not to mention an overflowing excitement and…

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