Anatomy Review: Latissimus Dorsi

by David Lauterstein Origin: sacrum, iliac crest, L5-T7, R 10-12, inferior angle of scapula, Insertion: Intertubercular grove of humerus, Action: Extension,medial rotation of humerus, adduction of humerus, depression of shoulder girdle, lower fibers depress ribcage, especially in coughing. Just as it may be said that we reach out from our guts –insofar as pectoralis major…

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Massage and the Impact of Touch: Inspiration

This beautiful passage was written by the French philosopher Jacques Lusseyran in his book, And There Was Light. At the age of seven, Professor Lusseyran lost his sight due to a childhood accident. This passage has become a classic in the understanding of the deeper impact of touch. Inspiration When I had eyes, my fingers…

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Bodywork: Finding what you didn’t even know was there

by Keith Vencill, LMT, CDMT Clients often reveal that the most intense areas discovered during the session are exactly that: unearthed, previously unknown tension and pain. Around this pain and because of it, compensatory movements and postures can grow.  These very pragmatic structural and energetic arrangements are temporary adaptations, but can linger long after they…

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