By David Lauterstein Here’s a big word that boils down to something quite simple yet incredibly important. When we touch the body, the only thing we touch directly is the skin. Therefore the therapeutic opportunities given us by the skin are vast. Dermoneuromodulation is a new therapy succeeding dramatically due to the crucial role played…

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Your body is composed of layers. Each one has a relatively soft, connective tissue associated with it. Generally called “fascia”, these connective tissue layers act somewhat like a series of living saran wrappings around all the tissues in the body. The layers overall are: The skin with its associated superficial fascia The organs and muscles…

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What is Thai Massage?

by Robert Gardner People often ask me about what Thai massage is and licensed massage therapists want to know how it’s going to benefit them in their practice. Thai massage is still working on a western identity and while I can’t speak for everyone else I can tell you that Thai massage is the most…

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Structural Perspectives of the Head and Neck

by Nancy Dail  Picture a bowling ball balancing on a stick. This is similar to how the head, which weighs approximately 10-12 pounds, precariously perches on seven cervical vertebrae and disks and is supported only by a network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The cervical vertebrae connect to the thoracic and lumbar spines, and the…

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The Four Top Reasons To Learn Zero Balancing

“If you love the body you must know the bone….” ~ R. Tillinghast   Add something really effective and new to your tool bag. To help people more and to retain clients better, you need to be enhancing your skills and supporting your inspiration. Learning new effective work refreshes, excites you more in your work…

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Zero Balancing brings you back to center

by Tasha Snedaker The modality is like a tree that just got out of a wind storm and is now… still. It balances you like a pendulum, that, once it’s experienced the very edges of balance, and being unbalanced, it comes to center and… rests. This “center” enables the person to feel “lighter” and taller in…

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Your body is composed of layers. Each one has a relatively soft, connective tissue associated with it. Generally called “fascia”, these connective tissue layers act somewhat like a series of living saran wrappings around all the tissues in the body. The layers overall are: The skin with its associated superficial fascia The organs and muscles…

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Stiff Neck – Un-puzzling the Problem

by Nancy Dail Clients regularly complain of having a “stiff neck”. It may hurt to rotate, flex, extend or laterally flex the head or just feel like the head does not respond to movement well. Complaints may also include pain or discomfort on top of the head, general headache, or specific headache pain patterns. Discomfort…

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I first met the founder of Zero Balancing…

I first met the founder of Zero Balancing, Fritz Smith, MD, in 1986 at the AMTA National Convention in Washington, D.C. At that time, I was a therapist, instructor, and the editor of the Massage Therapy Journal. I had heard of Dr. Smith as teaching, at the Esalen Institute and elsewhere, this modality called “Zero…

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