What is Kennetic Massage?

by Ted F. Kennett, LMT, MTI Kennetics is an approach to massage therapy which combines three powerful modalities. The first is trigger point therapy. I have been practicing clinical trigger point therapy for 20 years. Trigger points are well-accepted and effective means, developed especially by Dr. Janet Travell, President Kennedy’s physician, to treat musculo-skeletal problems.…

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The Value of Ethics

By Nancy Dail, LMT Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates were Greek philosophers who laid down the foundation for ethics in society. The word “ethics” comes from the Greek ethikos meaning “arising from habit”. The motivation to behave ethically as a moral standard is to believe that if you act appropriately you will support character traits that…

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A note to TLC Massage School Alumni

Dear Alumni, I just want to share some excitement re new recognitions and developments around here. My book’s coming out in a month!  The Deep Massage Book arises from all the lessons you’ve contributed to over the years – THANK YOU, alumni!  The Deep Massage Book features 30 beautiful illustrations, extensive technique explanations, elaborations on…

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Where is the pyramid in your body? – Deep Massage Newsletter #1

In the last months I’ve been intrigued by a little known muscle, the pyramidalis.  This muscle lies anterior to rectus abdominis, and is contained within its sheath. Its action is to tense the the fascia of the ‘linea alba”, meaning “white line,” between the two sides of the rectus abdominis. Pyramidalis originates on the superior…

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The Secret of Success in Massage – Exceptional Service!

I hear stories of therapists out there. Some are doing great.  Some are just making it. Some are frustrated. The times they are a’ changin’.  The advent of the Massage Envy’s, etc. has provided many more job opportunities, but at a lower paying rate.  Some employers are requiring too many massages without a break, or…

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Helen Keller was Right about Massage (and life)

Helen Keller was right – “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” In some ways every day is an adventure; every day a hero’s journey. We don’t know what will happen. We can see the obstacles and opportunities that arise as part of the incredible journeys, short and long, we take in this life.…

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The Most Important Muscle? – Deep Massage and the Rectus Abdominis

Forward flexion of the torso – sitting or moving in hunched over position – is the most common postural distortion.  Forward flexion may give rise to serious structural and energetic problems Leaning forward makes our back and neck work harder to keep us upright. It gives us less room for breathing – compromising nourishment to…

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Don’t learn more about massage!

Don’t learn more about massage or bodywork! Can you imagine anyone believing that? What do we get from advanced learning? Better results with our clients. The skill level needed for self-employment More client retention More alleviation of pain More effective release of physical tension More healing from past psychological stress and trauma More delight in…

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What Exactly is Clinical Massage?

By David Lauterstein We hear the terms “medical massage,” “clinical massage” and “orthopedic massage therapy” used in our field these days. But what is Clinical Massage really? Clinical massage therapy uniquely focuses on the treatment of soft tissue to maintain, develop, augment or rehabilitate the patient’s physical function. Clinical massage therapy can improve the functioning…

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Advanced Clinical Massage and Bodywork Training at TLC

On November 7, TLC’s Advanced Clinical Training (ACT) starts!  We are now beginning enrollment for this unique class! Nowhere else  in the US can you learn to systematically integrate in Clinical Practice – Structural Bodywork, Deep Massage, Shiatsu, Zero Balancing and Psychologically-Oriented Bodywork. To be a well-rounded therapist, we need these competencies with advanced techniques,…

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