TLC School Massages Fox News

Monday, March 9th, two of TLCschool’s massage therapy instructors Hannah Ford and Scot Maitland presented a segment on couple’s massage on Fox.

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Massage School Trends: Signs

Lauterstein-Conway Massage School got a new sign recently with a orange, sunburst arch and a big purple arrow. Does anyone remember when this little sign went up? This sign is now hanging on the side of the building itself. There is a newer, glossier graveyard sign to replace it – with an arrow. Does anyone…

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Lauterstein-Conway Massage School: Earth Day

The biggest puzzle seems to be – here we are alive improbably on a planet teeming with nature, surrounded in our whole solar system and way beyond it with no other life forms.  What did we do to deserve this?  Each of us knows on some level that naturally we ought to bow down each…

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Massage in the Recording Studio

For years, I’ve enjoyed playing guitar to inspire students even more when they practice. My background and degree before massage was in music composition and improvisation. And for years people have asked me, “Do you have a recording”? I didn’t.  I enjoy what gets spontaneously created in the moment in the classroom. But then I woke up one morning…

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My School’s Logo: The Secret of its Origin.

Tonight in his speech, President Barack Obama said, “For in our hands lies the ability to shape our world.” And it took me right back to the origin of our school’s logo. Years ago I visited a potter’s studio in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.  His work was brilliant and inspiring and I left with his brochure.…

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Sports Massage – Great for the Therapist and for the Athlete!

By Shane Melear, LMT, MTI When I went to massage school I just knew I wanted to be a massage therapist. During a business class the teacher wanted to know what services we planned to offer and what populations were we interested in. This was the first time I had thought of offering different techniques…

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The Diary of a Massage School Student: Week Five

Tired? You’re not alone. Dara Allen-Trainer, September 2010 “Saturday Section” student and TLCschool Customer Service Guru, is tired, too. But she’s not the one who falls asleep. See what she has to say about how the first five weeks of massage school have impacted her – and her husband! What was the hardest point of…

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Massage Job Fair: Massage Therapy & Chiropractics

By Jennifer Shaw, LMT, Marketing Director Are you considering working with a chiropractor? Have you been referred a client from one? How many of your massage clients also see chiropractors? Because the massage and chiropractic industries often overlap, at the 2010 Massage Job Fair TLCschool hopes to help interested LMTs learn more about what it’s…

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Featured Massage School Graduate: Allison Hoffman

When did you attend TLCschool? Accredited Program 1997-1998 and took Semesters 1 and 2. Why were you interested in massage therapy? I had been interested in Massage Therapy since grade school. I grew up giving massages to friends and family. I actually would work my way around the dinning room table giving back rubs out…

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Massage CE: Lymphedema and Lyphmatic Drainage

By Liz Hoffmaster, PT, LMT, MTI What happens to the lymphatic system when it fails? Lymphedema is a common chronic, debilitation condition in which excess fluid called lymph collects in tissues and causes swelling in them. The lymphatic system is something most of us take for granted. The lymph nodes are tucked away in the…

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