How is it all going to work?

by Kaia Petin It’s been nearly 10 years since I earned my massage therapy license from Lauterstein-Conway. To be honest, it’s only been in the last 2 years that I feel successful when I tell people that I’m a massage therapist. And now, I absolutely love my job and finally feel like I’m aligned with…

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TLC Holiday Potluck & White Elephant

      Today TLC had their annual Holiday Potluck & White Elephant. Thanks to all of you who came! Happy Holidays!  For more pictures, go to TLC’s facebook fan page.

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Massage School Print Memories: Legal Pad Inspiration

Lauterstein-Conway Massage School has always been involved in its community, giving back when and where it can through both monetary means and volunteerism. Check out this impromptu flyer for the Max for Council Campaign. Do you have any old TLCschool print material? Send it our way, and we’ll scan it in and post it for…

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