Healthy Holidays – 5 Tips for the Natural Traveler

Healthy Holidays – 5 Tips for the Natural Traveler

Planning a vacation or business trip? Consider packing a small kit of natural remedies before you go. Unfamiliar surroundings, unusual foods, and jet lag can make you vulnerable to viruses, stress, and gastrointestinal (GI) upset. Colorado Naturopathic Physician...


Everything must touch!  Send feelers out And love is like a vine, it is connecting us. ~ David Lauterstein   What connects one touch with another?  What role does breath play in the art of massage? In yoga, if we do the postures and movement without full...
Accuracy – The Art of Massage #4

Accuracy – The Art of Massage #4

Art and Science cannot exist but in minutely organized Particulars                                                                                             — William Blake   One of the legs we stand on is the knowledge the biological sciences give us.  If we...
The Art of Meeting and The Art of Massage #3

The Art of Meeting and The Art of Massage #3

Today I took a walk at dawn. I took a walk just where the night meets the day. Each sense has a place of meeting – the place where the sound can first be heard, the place where we first see something illuminated by light – and every time we’re met, whether by sound,...
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