Accuracy – The Art of Massage #4

Accuracy – The Art of Massage #4

Art and Science cannot exist but in minutely organized Particulars                                                                                             — William Blake   One of the legs we stand on is the knowledge the biological sciences give us.  If we...

How To Give the Best Massage in the World: Intake

I just got back from the Esalen Institute.  This was my first time and I totally recommend it.  As you may recall, Esalen, in Big Sur, California is considered the birthplace of modern American massage.  When you’re there, you can almost feel the presence of ida Rolf...

Anatomy Review: Massage for the Scalenes

The scalenes are actually the uppermost of the intercostals muscles, those muscles lying between your ribs that assist inhalation and exhalation. However, big surprise, there are no ribs in the neck! Actually a number of books say the scalenes attach to the vestigial...
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