A Massage Therapist’s Research into the “Bodymind”

By Marsha Walker, PhD, RN, LMT I have had a massage practice in Austin for 33 years now, with many clients getting a massage every 2 weeks for 20 years.  I still love it and feel very honored to be trusted to help people in such an intimate way with their health.  No other health…

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Massage CE: Massaging Seniors

By Peggy Rouh, LMT, MTI, PhD Seniors are the most appreciative massage client group you will ever encounter. Everyone loves a massage. Just as with babies, touch for seniors is integral to their well being. Also as we age, the opportunity for caring touch diminishes. Research shows that nurses in hospitals touch seniors less often…

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Massage CE: Pregnancy Massage with Kathy Benayoun

According to Kate Jordan, nationally-recognized pregnancy massage educator, “Pregnancy massage and massage for labor and postpartum recuperation is the newest option for women who want an optimum pregnancy outcome. As more [massage] therapists are trained to provide pregnancy-specific massage therapy, many women are being exposed to its potential and enjoying its benefits.” Video: Kathy Benayoun,…

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