Massage and the Nervous System: Part Three

Part three of Massage and the Nervous System. (See parts two and one.) As massage therapists we know how to get our hands on muscles and connective tissues. But now we see somehow we have to get our hands on the nervous system because otherwise it’s a bit like flipping light switches with no electricity – some action…

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Massage and The Nervous System: Part Two

Part two of Massage and the Nervous System. (See part one.) As massage therapists we know how to get our hands on muscles and connective tissues. But now we see somehow we have to get our hands on the nervous system because otherwise it’s a bit like flipping light switches with no electricity – some action…

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Massage and the Nervous System: Part One

This is the first part of a three-part series on Massage and the Nervous System. When we first learn massage therapy, we naturally visualize that we are working on muscles. Memorizing muscles and seeing their kinesiological relations to each other is a task! Then we can add to that the wonderful insights drawn from Rolfing and…

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Anatomy Review: Pregnancy Massage and the Migration of Fascia

Did you know it is basically a law of structure that under compression fascia will “migrate” laterally? Think of pressing down on a beach ball. The more you press, the further out each of its color segments would get. This is exactly what happens to the pregnant woman under the compression of the extra weight carried…

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7 Reasons: Deep Massage vs. Deep Tissue

What Is the Difference Between Deep Massage and Deep Tissue? By David Lauterstein Massage therapists performing Deep Massage generally work without lubricant (unless there is a painful feeling of stretching the skin). Using lubricant causes the therapist to slip over the tension and, to compensate, they have to use tremendous pressure not to slip. This often causes…

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Anatomy Review: Latissimus Dorsi

by David Lauterstein Origin: sacrum, iliac crest, L5-T7, R 10-12, inferior angle of scapula, Insertion: Intertubercular grove of humerus, Action: Extension,medial rotation of humerus, adduction of humerus, depression of shoulder girdle, lower fibers depress ribcage, especially in coughing. Just as it may be said that we reach out from our guts –insofar as pectoralis major…

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Three Myths Busted | Why You Need a Pregnancy Massage Course

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Even the seasoned massage therapist probably remembers the first time they worked on a pregnant massage client. When we reached the pregnancy portion of our massage training, I remember being terrified by prenatal massage. Even in my practice now – four years after my certification, when…

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Advanced Massage Modalities: Polarity therapy

By Erika Marcoux, MA, RPP, RYT Polarity Therapy has many principles and four of them are energy, chakras, elements, and touch. Polarity Therapy is a profound healthcare system that uses gentle hands-on work for relaxation, emotional well-being, and relief from physical pain. The basis of Polarity Therapy, founded by Randolph Stone, is in Chinese medicine…

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Insights into Soft Tissue: A Massage Case Study

by Nancy Dail, author Kinesiology for Manual Therapy and founder of the Downeast School of Massage in Maine I confess I have passion for my work and revel in a good challenge. A recent client provided an opportunity for close study and analysis. A 50-year old woman presented with a constant headache for the last…

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Self Care for Massage Therapists

by Gretchen Cole, LMT, MTI and Massage Instructor The Spiritual Warrior Retreats. When thinking about self-care and the need for our own nurturing, a quote from Lao Tzu comes to mind, “Timely retreat is the mark of the spiritual warrior.” I use it often to remind myself and my massage students of the need for…

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