Anatomy Review: Latissimus Dorsi

by David Lauterstein Origin: sacrum, iliac crest, L5-T7, R 10-12, inferior angle of scapula, Insertion: Intertubercular grove of humerus, Action: Extension,medial rotation of humerus, adduction of humerus, depression of shoulder girdle, lower fibers depress ribcage,...

Advanced Massage Modalities: Polarity therapy

By Erika Marcoux, MA, RPP, RYT Polarity Therapy has many principles and four of them are energy, chakras, elements, and touch. Polarity Therapy is a profound healthcare system that uses gentle hands-on work for relaxation, emotional well-being, and relief from...

Insights into Soft Tissue: A Massage Case Study

by Nancy Dail, author Kinesiology for Manual Therapy and founder of the Downeast School of Massage in Maine I confess I have passion for my work and revel in a good challenge. A recent client provided an opportunity for close study and analysis. A 50-year old woman...

Self Care for Massage Therapists

by Gretchen Cole, LMT, MTI and Massage Instructor The Spiritual Warrior Retreats. When thinking about self-care and the need for our own nurturing, a quote from Lao Tzu comes to mind, “Timely retreat is the mark of the spiritual warrior.” I use it often to...
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