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Robert Gardnerby Robert Gardner

Table Thai is something I developed after being unable to find facilities that allowed me do Thai massage on a mat. In most of Texas, massage is done on a table so the Thai massage I’d learned was difficult to use in various settings whether I worked in a spa or clinic setting. I knew Thai massage was more effective for common client complaints and saved my hands but how could I show everyone? My self produced and written curriculum came out of the techniques I used to ease the clients into my style of work.

My table Thai curriculum allows you to get a crash course in the potential that Thai massage has. Instead of compressing your hands to access tissue, why not lengthen? Why not mobilize? The clients shoulders are rolled forward? Why not roll them back? Typical table work often seems to be about push and compress, particularly of the hands and wrists. Massage therapists complain constantly about their hands hurting. Why not pull? Table Thai helps decompress your hands and wrists while you’re helping the client with aches and pains.

It’s effective, simple and some of the best bodywork in Texas. When you take my class you get the video sequence that goes with class and a spiral bound, full color copy of my Table Thai workbook that’s 142 pages. It includes a prone, supine and side-lying sequence.

When clients come to see you at your spa job, you can use Table Thai and use it deftly but Thai massage is different enough that you need training in not just the techniques but the approach, context, marketing and sales. I teach that and also show you how to use a few short sequence bursts that will be most effective for those with common complaints. Client has upper back pain and you only have 30 minutes? Use these pages. Client has low back pain and you only have 15 minutes? Use these pages.

Students tell me my courses aren’t just changing their practices but their lives. When you study with me I’m dedicated to helping you excel. I know you hear this in marketing for CE classes but please consider that I am you. I’m a therapist with a full practice that’s growing. I struggled and suffered at my culture’s insistence that massage and bodywork look a certain way. That way was killing me slowly. I was broke, my hands hurt and clients kept asking for more pressure.

I found a way. That way is what I teach. If you’re a struggling massage therapist this class is for you. I can show you the way but you have to start, practice and come along.

Learn more at the Table Thai Massage workshop with Robert Gardner on June 6-7. CLICK HERE to register!