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By Dr. Gayl Hubatch, OMD

“Jin Shin Do” means “The Way of the Compassionate Spirit.” Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® classes teach the use of gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points and verbal Body Focusing techniques, to help release “armoring” or chronic tension and balance the “Qi” or energy. This clothes-on method helps relieve stress- and trauma- related problems. A unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic Chinese acupuncture and acupressure theory, Taoist philosophy, Qigong (breathing and exercise techniques), it is recognized as a major form of Asian Bodywork Therapy (by NCCAOM & AOBTA among others).

One reason why “rings of armoring” develop in these segments is that a common reaction to stress or trauma is to hold feelings back with muscular tension. The involved muscles become rigid as fascial adhesions develop, and the flow of energy through the meridians is inhibited. The pressure on particular points helps the client to get a felt body sense of the tension, so that s/he can let the defensive function relax.

A typical session is one to one and a half hours. The JSD acupressurist evaluates the tension pattern through point palpation and pulse reading, then holds successive “local points” in tense or painful areas together with related “distal points,” which help the tension to release more easily, deeply and pleasantly. Points are held approximately one to three minutes.

The Jin Shin Do: Regulating Chi will give students an experience of Jin Shin Do applied to organ meridians. This is like acupuncture without needles. Safe, effective, easy to learn, Jin Shin Do can be incorporated into massage or other bodywork modalities.