Verbal Fulcrums in Zero Balancing – by Jim McCormick

I am very excited about Verbal Fulcrums in Zero Balancing this March 21-24 in Austin. This area of work has been my main growing edge in ZB for the last 5 -10 years and has been so gratifying for both my clients and myself. During this time, my most exciting sessions have been with clients who consciously…

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Our Words – Our Hands – Zero Balancing

So let the Words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight here tonight. – By the Rivers of Babylon When I first began to practicing Structural Bodywork, I had my doubts about whether I could deliver the quality of experience I wished my clients might have. I called…

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Zero Balancing allows for more change, both emotional and physical

by Jim McCormick I have studied many separate forms of psychotherapy – from Gestalt therapy; Bioenergetics; Co-Counseling; Counseling theory in general; Rogerian Therapy; Art therapy, etc.. I have also received many years of psychotherapy which has been very useful both in clearing my field to be able to be with clients in non-judgmental and non-projecting…

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Deep Massage and the Two-Sides of the Iliopsoas

I believe an important opportunity is missed when people work with the iliopsoas only unilaterally (one-side at a time). The “crura” (meaning “legs”) of the diaphragm interdigitate with the origins of the psoas. The feeling of standing in a balanced way on two legs is supported by the bilaterality of the psoas’ structure and function…

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Gifts from TLC – New! The Deep Massage Book (and CD – Roots and Branches)

Are you a massage therapist? Get the best book and the best music CD for massage for your therapist/friends this year! If you’re in Austin, drop by our school! To order on-line – The Deep Massage Book – from Roots and Branches – from Here are just a few of the many lovely…

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Deep Massage for the Sacro-iliac Ligaments

For lower back pain, some of the most important structures we need to address are the ligaments. Of particular interest are those running “horizontally” – from the levels of S5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and L5 to the ilium at each vertebral level. The sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments are, in other words, running at 90°…

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REFLECTIONS ON ANGER AND DEEP MASSAGE Anger’s just the natural, healthy vibration that happens when we encounter an obstacle – like water vibrating against a rock in the middle of a flowing stream. It’s no accident we so often say “damn” when we encounter obstacles! We have three choices: 1. To aim the anger against…

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The Two Mothers of Deep Massage

the skin of this planet must be stretched, the sea of its whiteness must be ironed and the hands go and go, the sacred surfaces are smoothed and that’s the way things are made: hands make the world each day. — Pablo Neruda   My mother, Faye Markin, was a deep thinker and feeler, and…

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Deep Massage Book – updates

The Deep Massage Book has just been out for three months!  It’s interesting to me that a Continuing Education Coordinator suggested to me that I use its subtitle as the title for my workshops – I never thought of it! The subtitle is “How to Combine Structure and Energy in Bodywork”.  Well that is what…

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The Deep Massage Book – It’s Here!

Today we received our first shipment of my new book The Deep Massage Book: How to Combine Structure and Energy in Bodywork. You know, the best things we do – like raising children, starting a practice, facilitating lasting benefits for our massage clients – these are things that have their own life independent of us.…

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