YOUR FACE IS A BOOK – ‘notes’ on the face

“Your face is an open book.” The bone and the core of the person holds our deepest levels of experience. When we say, I just know that in my bones, that really means something. One incredible place in our bodies where the bones rest just under the surface is the face. It is, tellingly, also…

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Bodyworkers Wanted – to Change the World!

SOCIAL SUBLUXATION As bodyworkers, we naturally want to help with misalignment. Slight dislocations of the sacroiliac joint, the tarsal bones, the suboccipital region – addressing these well can re-balance the entire system. So if they’re “out” or stuck in place, we may help. Yet sometimes we feel the enormity of the world around us –…

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Perhaps the most serious energetic imbalance is the excessive, upward displacement of attention to the upper half of the body. In our culture the face and head get an exorbitant amount of focus. We tend to identify ourselve…s with and by our facial appearance. Plus we have a culture that is almost insane in its…

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David’s Workshops this Year & Updated Book/CD List

Here’s an update of David Lauterstein’s classes in 2013 and other products/services available April 19-21  Newington, Conn.- Deep Massage I May 16-19  Austin, TX – Zero Balancing II June 13-16  Portland, OR – Deep Massage I June 28-30  Santa Fe, NM – Deep Massage I July 20-22  St. Charles, Missouri – Featured author at Alliance…

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A note from David

I have to tell you I have never been more excited about our school than just now! We have learned so much and interacted with so many bright people this past year! We have begun a new schedule. We have added a new Deep Tissue segment. We have added new workshops and trainings – Manual Lymph…

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Our Words – Our Hands – Zero Balancing

So let the Words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight here tonight. – By the Rivers of Babylon When I first began to practicing Structural Bodywork, I had my doubts about whether I could deliver the quality of experience I wished my clients might have. I called…

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The enteric nervous system (ENS) is one of the main divisions of the autonomic nervous system and consists of a mesh-like system of neurons that governs the function of the gastrointestinal system. The enteric nervous system has a complete network of neurons, neurotransmitters, and special proteins responsible for communications, “thinking,” “remembering,” and “learning”. As a…

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Do you know the biggest health secret?

Perhaps the biggest health secret humankind needs to hear is being carried by the bodywork profession! What do you think it is? Ever since Ida Rolf stressed the important of verticality and the role that fascia plays in that – we have seen, in essence, the final step in human evolution. Most humans are stuck…

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Deep Massage and the Two-Sides of the Iliopsoas

I believe an important opportunity is missed when people work with the iliopsoas only unilaterally (one-side at a time). The “crura” (meaning “legs”) of the diaphragm interdigitate with the origins of the psoas. The feeling of standing in a balanced way on two legs is supported by the bilaterality of the psoas’ structure and function…

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Gifts from TLC – New! The Deep Massage Book (and CD – Roots and Branches)

Are you a massage therapist? Get the best book and the best music CD for massage for your therapist/friends this year! If you’re in Austin, drop by our school! To order on-line – The Deep Massage Book – from Roots and Branches – from Here are just a few of the many lovely…

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