Ezekiel, the Pleasure of Teaching Massage…and dem bones

I’m coming to Maine to teach Deep Massage on September 28-30 at the Downeast School of Massage. http://www.downeastschoolofmassage.net/cont-ed/lauterstein-deepmassage.htm I was just thinking about what is it that I find so exciting about teaching – especially in the intensity of workshops. Well it is just like a massage. I try to get a sense of the…

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Individualizing Session Design in Massage

“Even anatomically, every client we work with is fully unique.  The muscle and bone and every inch of skin has its own individual form and history.  If they could converse, the organs, tissues, bones and skin would tell us a compelling and unique story. When fully grasped and understood, every person’s life holds the fascination…

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  “We feel that even if all possible scientific questions be answered,  the problems of life have still not been touched at all.”  —  Ludwing Wittgenstein   Just kidding.  Of course it is.  However, the second biggest secret about massage is – it is equally an art. Yet the art unfortunately of late has gotten…

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How the Radiologist Changed my Life

I was doing a session on a radiologist and couldn’t resist asking him about the many wondrous things he’d seen through MRI’s, etc. I asked him, of everything he’d seen, what had he found most fascinating? He said it was the first time he’d seen a spinal cord inside a living human being. Now I’ve…

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The Massage Client Who Didn’t Like Touch

I once had a person come to see me who calmly told me, “I don’t like to be touched.” Of course I told her maybe she had come to the wrong place! – since that’s what I did. But she said she was aware of it as a problem, had seen my face on my…

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If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing, Get the Heck out of My Neck!

I am sorry to say, I can count on one hand the sessions I’ve received where the therapist thoroughly understood the neck. The neck is so fascinating in its structure and its energetic functions.  Cultivating a true understanding and compassion for the life of the neck is one of the most exciting of therapeutic opportunities.…

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In Every Pause There’s a Role for Faith

iI’s easy, when you listen to the news, to lose faith in so many aspects of humanity. Yet we can and must re-activate the deep pleasure that comes from having faith in people.  And it takes just a little time – just pausing with care during our work and life. As a teacher in my…

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The Subluxation of Time

Subluxation is a largely chiropractic term for a joint being misaligned.  Naturally, any therapist concerned with the structure of the body looks to help with alignment and address the soft tissue component of subluxations.  We help line up the body’s spaces so that the force of gravity, will, and physiological clarity flows through the organism.…

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The Two Mothers of Deep Massage

the skin of this planet must be stretched, the sea of its whiteness must be ironed and the hands go and go, the sacred surfaces are smoothed and that’s the way things are made: hands make the world each day. — Pablo Neruda   My mother, Faye Markin, was a deep thinker and feeler, and…

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