6 Signs You Should be a Massage Therapist

  1. 9 to 5 job just isn’t for you You like a flexible work schedule where you can choose your hours. Massage therapy is the perfect fit – you can work as little or as much as you want at the hours you choose. You won’t be sitting at a desk all day –…

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This weekend we began a new class who will be here each Saturday all day 8:00am-5:45pm for a year. On the one hand this is a tremendous sacrifice – but we remember that means “making sacred”. So it’s, on the other hand, a “SERIES OF SACRED SATURDAYS”. And as I was welcoming them this first morning,…

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Touch and the Real Meaning of Life

The hard rain and wind are ways the cloud has to take care of us. — Rumi Learning massage is never a matter of just acquiring technical skills. Massage school is also a place where people have a chance to respond with gentleness, with touch, and with knowledge to painful things in their lives. People…

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Structural Perspectives of the Head and Neck

by Nancy Dail  Picture a bowling ball balancing on a stick. This is similar to how the head, which weighs approximately 10-12 pounds, precariously perches on seven cervical vertebrae and disks and is supported only by a network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The cervical vertebrae connect to the thoracic and lumbar spines, and the…

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The Four Top Reasons To Learn Zero Balancing

“If you love the body you must know the bone….” ~ R. Tillinghast   Add something really effective and new to your tool bag. To help people more and to retain clients better, you need to be enhancing your skills and supporting your inspiration. Learning new effective work refreshes, excites you more in your work…

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Zero Balancing brings you back to center

by Tasha Snedaker The modality is like a tree that just got out of a wind storm and is now… still. It balances you like a pendulum, that, once it’s experienced the very edges of balance, and being unbalanced, it comes to center and… rests. This “center” enables the person to feel “lighter” and taller in…

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Let’s be honest. Humans are self-lubricating entities. We have sebaceous glands whose sole purpose is to lubricate and waterproof the skin. These glands are associated with hair (we have about 5 million distributed over the whole body). Then we have perspiration, a brilliant method of thermoregulation. We can sweat off as many as 14 liters…

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Grad Chronicle – James Uhl

by James Uhl After graduating TLC in 2011 I immediately began gaining experience by working on my own practice as well as doing chair and sports massage for different events around the city. In July, 2012 I received my NASM Personal Training certification in attempt to bridge two aspects of care to help my clients.…

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