Ornament, Crime and Massage – The Art of Massage #7

Ornament and Crime? Got your attention? Well I’m not really going to write about that. However, that was the title of a famous essay written by the architect, Adolf Loos, in 1908. He was a founding member of the “Bauhaus,” a modern movement that approached design with a heightened sense of the beauty and efficiency…

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Healthy Holidays – 5 Tips for the Natural Traveler

Planning a vacation or business trip? Consider packing a small kit of natural remedies before you go. Unfamiliar surroundings, unusual foods, and jet lag can make you vulnerable to viruses, stress, and gastrointestinal (GI) upset. Colorado Naturopathic Physician Michael Sutton suggests the following items: 1. Grapefruit Seed ExtractThis extract fights and prevents viruses and helps…

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Everything must touch!  Send feelers out And love is like a vine, it is connecting us. ~ David Lauterstein   What connects one touch with another?  What role does breath play in the art of massage? In yoga, if we do the postures and movement without full breathing, it is of limited structural and energetic…

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Eternity in the Palm of Your Hand – The Art of Massage #5

Time is what we are made of – in addition, of course to space. Ida Rolf noted “gravity is the therapist” – meaning we derive the sense of balance from our relationship to gravity in space. To say that “time is the therapist” is equally true. Of course we already say time is the great…

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Accuracy – The Art of Massage #4

Art and Science cannot exist but in minutely organized Particulars                                                                                             — William Blake   One of the legs we stand on is the knowledge the biological sciences give us.  If we can’t find a love and fascination for anatomy, we probably have no business being massage therapists. All the modalities bandied about to great…

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The Art of Meeting and The Art of Massage #3

Today I took a walk at dawn. I took a walk just where the night meets the day. Each sense has a place of meeting – the place where the sound can first be heard, the place where we first see something illuminated by light – and every time we’re met, whether by sound, smell,…

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What is Better Than a Guitar? – The Art of Massage #2

For the first thirty years of my life, I was a musician and composer.  Among my first loves was the guitar and its music made through the wonderful composition of metal strings, wood, and open space.  I am still thrilled with the sight and sound of the guitar and all the variants that have been…

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WHAT THE HANDS TELL ME – The Art of Massage #1

 “A Symphony must be like the world – it must contain everything”. – Gustav Mahler Mahler, the great composer, in his Symphony #3 gave titles to the various movements: ·  “What the Flowers in the Meadow Tell Me” ·  “What the Animals in the Forest Tell Me” ·  “What Man Tells Me” ·  “What the…

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Working with the Sacro-Iliac Joint.

What a fascinating world that of the sacro-iliac is! The ligaments that run from the sacrum to the ilium – like the guywires of a suspension bridge – need appropriate span and tautness to be healthy. Sitting down all day compresses the SI joint and results in overly lax ligaments. Then any stray force –…

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao-Tzu How many steps, how many thousands of miles did you travel last year? How many thousands of steps and miles we will take in the next year? How can you make this journey more full of life, goodness, beauty, and excitement? The…

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