Meet Our Teachers: Gretchen Cole

The teachers at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School have skill, experience, and a true passion for Massage Therapy. Let’s take a moment to get to know one of the 500 hour program instructors. Q&A with Gretchen Cole Q: When did you start your career in Massage Therapy? A: I started at TLC in 1994, after having taken…

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Meet Our Teachers: Christopher Fritel

The teachers at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School have skill, experience, and a true passion for Massage Therapy. Let’s take a moment to get to know one of the 500 hour program instructors. Q&A with Christopher Fritel Q: When did you start your career in Massage Therapy? A: I attended massage school here at The Lauterstein-Conway…

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One year at Massage School can change everything!

by Shannon Young I have been working in school admissions for years. In that time one thing I have found to be true is that there is never a perfect time to go back to school. There is never the perfect amount of money, time, or energy to make the decision super easy. Thing about…

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Grad Chronicle – My Journey Through TLC

by Aaron McLeod Five years ago, I attended another massage school in Austin. I should say as background that I am visually impaired. My challenges at this school included not having computer resources, support from the school, or a tutor. All I had was a recorder and my memory. It was difficult for most of…

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The Astonishing Benefits of High Level Massage Education “EVERY ONE SHOULD KNOW THIS!” I have been teaching massage therapy since 1982, teaching all around the U.S. and in England. In every single class I hear a voice in my head loudly saying, “Everyone should learn massage therapy.” And they should. Because the lessons we learn through…

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Why Choose the Life of a Massage Therapist?

I remember the exact moment in 1977 on a train in Chicago. I was working through the career-hunters book, What Color is Your Parachute?, and heard the words in my mind, “I guess I’m going to become a massage therapist!” And sure enough, that’s what I’ve been ever since. Here’s some of what I got…

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My School’s Logo: The Secret of its Origin.

Tonight in his speech, President Barack Obama said, “For in our hands lies the ability to shape our world.” And it took me right back to the origin of our school’s logo. Years ago I visited a potter’s studio in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.  His work was brilliant and inspiring and I left with his brochure.…

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Why Lauterstein-Conway Massage School Was for Me

Tim Sullivan is a yoga teacher and massage therapist in training. You can find him at and I can still hear my father moaning at the kitchen table when I was rub his shoulders after a long day at work. And then throughout high school and college, in the library, after hours squinting…

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Taxes: Conquer your Fear of Massage Business Taxes

By Jennifer Shaw, Austin Massage Therapist and Guest Blogger Massage therapists, have you done your 2010 taxes? Like all good citizens, I’ve made a start. I’ve collected a lot of stuff I think I need. I’ve also collected a lot of stuff I’m pretty sure I don’t need, but am keeping anyway “just in case.”…

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Featured Massage School Graduate: Allison Hoffman

When did you attend TLCschool? Accredited Program 1997-1998 and took Semesters 1 and 2. Why were you interested in massage therapy? I had been interested in Massage Therapy since grade school. I grew up giving massages to friends and family. I actually would work my way around the dinning room table giving back rubs out…

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